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IBizFormFileService Methods

The IBizFormFileService type exposes the following members.

Public methodDeleteFile
Deletes file previously saved via the PromoteTempFile(String, String, String, String, String) method.
Public methodDeleteTempFile
Deletes temporary file previously saved via the SaveUploadedFileAsTempFile(IUploadedFile, String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) method which was not promoted to a permanent file.
Public methodGetTempFileName
Gets temporary file name for an identifier.
Public methodPromoteTempFile
Saves temporary file previously saved via the SaveUploadedFileAsTempFile(IUploadedFile, String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) method as a permanent form file.
Public methodSaveUploadedFileAsTempFile
Saves uploaded form file as a temporary file to the file system. The file can be optionally resized if it is an image file. The type of the file is determined from the uploadedFile's FileName.
Public methodTempFileExists
Checks whether file previously saved via the SaveUploadedFileAsTempFile(IUploadedFile, String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32) still exists.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodSaveUploadedFileAsTempFile
Saves uploaded form file as a temporary file to the file system. The file can be optionally resized if it is an image file. The type of the file is determined from the postedFile's FileName.
(Defined by BizFormFileServiceExtensions.)
See Also