ShoppingService Methods |
The ShoppingService type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddCouponCode |
Applies the specified coupon code to the current shopping cart and evaluates the cart.
| |
AddItemToCart(ShoppingCartItemParameters) |
Adds an item to the current shopping cart and logs the activity. Saves the shopping cart if it has not been saved yet.
If an item in such configuration is already present in the cart, its quantity is increased by Quantity.
Saves all product options and bundle items after adding and evaluates the cart.
| |
AddItemToCart(Int32, Int32) |
Adds an item to the current shopping cart and logs the activity. Saves the shopping cart if it has not been saved yet.
If an item in such configuration is already present in the cart, its quantity is increased by quantity.
Saves all product options and bundle items after adding and evaluates the cart.
| |
CalculateShippingOptionPrice |
Returns price of the given shipping option based on the current shopping cart.
| |
ClearShippingOptionIfNotShippable |
Removes the shipping option from the current shopping cart if it's not needed anymore, and evaluates and saves the cart.
Does nothing if the cart has no shipping option or contains a shippable product.
| |
ClearShippingOptionIfNotShippableInternal |
Removes the shipping option from the current shopping cart if it's not needed anymore, evaluates and saves the cart.
Does nothing if the cart has no shipping option or contains a shippable product.
| |
CreateOrder |
Validates and creates order from current shopping cart. If order creation was successful empties shopping cart.
If order requires an user account, handles its creation.
Also tracks order conversion, sends order notifications and logs purchase activities.
| |
GetBillingAddress |
Returns the billing address for the current shopping cart.
| |
GetCurrentContactId |
Gets ID of the current contact.
| |
GetCurrentCustomer |
Gets the current customer.
| |
GetCurrentShoppingCart |
Gets the shopping cart used by the IShoppingService instance. The shopping cart is retrieved
using the ICurrentShoppingCartService implementation this instance was initialized with.
This member is a backing method of the get_CurrentShoppingCart property.
| |
GetPaymentOption |
Returns the selected payment option for the current shopping cart.
| |
GetShippingAddress |
Returns the shipping address for the current shopping cart.
| |
GetShippingOption |
Returns the selected shipping option for the current shopping cart.
| |
LogProductAddedToCartActivity |
Logs the add to shopping cart activity.
| |
LogProductRemovedFromCartActivity |
Logs the remove from shopping cart activity.
| |
LogPurchaseActivities |
Logs all as purchased.
| |
RemoveAllItemsFromCart |
Removes all items from the current shopping cart.
Also removes all children and bundle items from the cart, logs the activity and evaluates the cart.
| |
RemoveCouponCode |
Removes the specified coupon code from the current shopping cart and evaluates the cart.
| |
RemoveItemFromCart(Int32) |
Removes item with specified itemId from the current shopping cart.
Also removes all children and bundle items from the cart, logs the activity and evaluates the cart.
| |
RemoveItemFromCart(ShoppingCartItemInfo) |
Removes item specified by shoppingCartItemInfo from the current shopping cart.
Also removes all children and bundle items from the cart, logs the activity and evaluates the cart.
| |
SaveCart |
Validates and saves the shopping cart into the database.
| |
SendOrderNotifications |
Sends notifications about created order to administrator and customer.
| |
SetAddress |
Sets address to the database. Assigns AddressCustomerID/>.
Sets AddressName to address if not already set.
| |
SetBillingAddress |
Sets billing address to the current shopping cart and evaluates the cart.
| |
SetBillingAddressInternal |
Sets billing address to the current shopping cart, evaluates the cart and persists changes in the database
if the persistShoppingCart is true.
| |
SetCartItem |
Sets or updates cart item, its product options and bundle items to the database.
| |
SetCustomer |
Sets the given customer to the current shopping cart and persists changes in the database.
| |
SetCustomerInternal |
Sets the given customer to the current shopping cart and persists changes in the database
if the persistShoppingCart is true.
| |
SetPaymentOption |
Sets the selected payment option to the current shopping cart, and evaluates and saves it.
Does nothing if paymentOptionId is the same as the cart already has.
| |
SetPaymentOptionInternal |
Sets the selected payment option to the current shopping cart, evaluates it and persists changes in the database
if the persistShoppingCart is true.
Does nothing if paymentOptionId is the same as the cart already has.
| |
SetShippingAddress |
Sets shipping address to the current shopping cart and evaluates the cart.
| |
SetShippingAddressInternal |
Sets shipping address to the current shopping cart, evaluates the cart and persists changes in the database
if the persistShoppingCart is true.
| |
SetShippingOption |
Sets the selected shipping option to the current shopping cart, evaluates it and persists changes in the database.
Does nothing if shippingOptionId is the same as the cart already has.
| |
SetShippingOptionInternal |
Sets the selected shipping option to the current shopping cart, evaluates it and persists changes in the database
if the persistShoppingCart is true.
Does nothing if shippingOptionId is the same as the cart already has.
| |
TrackOrderConversion |
Tracks order conversion of the provided cart.
| |
UpdateItemQuantity(Int32, Int32) |
Updates the quantity of a shopping cart item specified by itemId to quantity.
Logs the activity resulting from the actual amount of items added or removed and evaluates the cart.
| |
UpdateItemQuantity(ShoppingCartItemInfo, Int32) |
Updates the quantity of a shopping cart item specified by shoppingCartItemInfo to quantity.
Logs the activity resulting from the actual amount of items added or removed and evaluates the cart.
| |
ValidateAddItemToCart |
Validates adding an item to the shopping cart via AddItemToCart(ShoppingCartItemParameters).
The method validates whether an item being added belongs to the same site as current shopping cart.
Throws an exception when validation fails.
| |
ValidateCreateOrder |
Validates cart for which order is being created.
| |
ValidateSetBillingAddress |
Validates billing address which is to be set to the current shopping cart.
| |
ValidateSetPaymentOption |
Validates whether a payment option is assigned to the same site as the current shopping cart or the payment option is a global object.
| |
ValidateSetShippingAddress |
Validates shipping address which is to be set to the current shopping cart.
| |
ValidateShippingOption |
Validates whether a shipping option is assigned to the same site as the current shopping cart or the shipping option is a global object.
| |
ValidateShoppingCart |
Validates the shopping cart and its items.