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CreateOrderValidator Methods

The CreateOrderValidator type exposes the following members.

Public methodValidate
Validates shopping cart before creating order. Validation includes: all required properties must be set, cart must contain at least one item, user must not be disabled, shipping and payment options, cart addresses.
Protected methodValidateCartAddresses
Validates shipping and billing addresses match customer and that all cart addresses are valid.
Protected methodValidatePaymentOption
Validates that user is authorized for selected payment option.
Protected methodValidateShippingAndPaymentOptions
Validates applicability of shipping and payment options on their own and with respect to each other.
Protected methodValidateShoppingCart
Validates shopping cart and its items. For more details on what is validated refer to ShoppingCartValidator and ShoppingCartItemValidator.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodContainsTValidatorError
Returns a value indicating whether a validation error of type TValidatorError is in Errors.
(Defined by IValidatorExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFirstErrorType
Returns Type of the first validation error in Errors.
(Defined by IValidatorExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetErrorMessages
Returns collection of localized error messages that occurred during validation.
(Defined by IValidatorExtensions.)
See Also