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IInfoObjectCollectionTInfo Properties

The IInfoObjectCollectionTInfo generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowPaging
If true, the paging of the data is allowed (data is loaded in batches).
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyCheckLicense
If true, the collection check license when getting data
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyCodeNames
Collection of the object code names
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyColumns
Columns to get.
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyCount
Number of total items in the collection
(Inherited from ICMSQueryable.)
Public propertyDisplayNames
Collection of the object display names
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyDynamicWhereCondition
Dynamic where condition.
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyEnforceReadOnlyDataAccess
If true, the read only access to the data is enforced within the transaction.
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyFieldsAsObjects
Related objects wrappers
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyFirstItem
Returns the first item of the collection
Public propertyGUIDs
Collection of the object GUIDs
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyIDs
Collection of the object IDs
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyIsLastVersion
If true, the document is the last version (retrieved using DocumentHelper.GetDocument).
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyIsOffline
Returns true if the given collection is offline (disconnected from the database)
(Inherited from ICMSQueryable.)
Public propertyItemInt32
Integer indexer, gets or sets the value on the specified index
(Inherited from IIndexable.)
Public propertyItemString
String indexer, gets or sets the value with the specified name
(Inherited from INameIndexable.)
Public propertyItemsAsFields
Fields wrappers
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyItemsHaveNames
Returns true if the items in the collection have names
(Inherited from INamedEnumerable.)
Public propertyItemType
Result type
(Inherited from ITypedCollection.)
Public propertyLastItem
Returns the last item of the collection
Public propertyLoadBinaryData
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether to load binary data into the collections.
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyName
Collection name
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyNameColumn
Name column name
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyObject
Object instance of the specified type.
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyObjectType
Returns the object type of the objects stored within the collection.
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyOrderByColumns
Columns list of SQL order by expression (e.g.: 'UserName, UserID DESC')
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyParentObject
Parent object. Instance of object which contains this collection as it's inner field.
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertySiteID
Site ID to filter the collection to a particular site
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertySortNames
Specifies whether the names should be sorted or not
(Inherited from INamedEnumerable.)
Public propertySourceData
Source data for the collection
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyTopN
Select top N objects.
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyTypeInfo
Type info for the collection object.
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyUseDefaultCacheDependencies
If true, the collection uses default cache dependencies to flush it's content
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyUseObjectTypeCondition
If true, the collection uses the type condition to get the data
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
Public propertyWhere
Where condition.
(Inherited from IInfoObjectCollection.)
See Also