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CMS.DataEngine Namespace
Public classAbstractDataConnection
Represents SQL Server data connection.
Public classAbstractDataProvider
Data provider class.
Public classAbstractInfoTInfo
Abstract object info class.
Public classAbstractInfoBaseTInfo
Abstract object info class.
Public classAbstractInfoBaseTInfoGeneralizedInfoWrapper
Info object wrapper for generalized access
Public classAbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider
Abstract info class provider.
Public classAbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery
Abstract info class provider.
Public classAbstractProviderDictionary
Holds the collection of available provider dictionaries and provides basic set of actions.
Public classAbstractQueryObject
Base for any object participating in the Data query evaluation
Public classAbstractSqlGenerator
SQL generator base
Public classAbstractSynchronizationSettings
Encapsulates most general settings for staging and integration bus.
Public classAbstractTableManager
Ensures management of database table and table column.
Public classAggregatedColumn
Aggregated query column e.g. "AVG(XYZ) AS Average"
Public classApplicationInitException
Thrown when application initialization failed
Public classAsyncProcessData
Control messages
Public classAsyncWorker
Worker class for asynchronous operations.
Public classBaseCollectionSettings
Settings for the base object collection
Public classBaseInfo
Base info class (only carrying the type information).
Public classBaseInfoGeneralizedInfoWrapper
Info object wrapper for generalized access
Public classBindingCollection
Info collection of object bindings
Public classBindingRepository
Specialized repository for binding object types
Public classBulkDeleteEventArgs
Bulk delete event arguments.
Public classBulkDeleteHandler
Bulk delete handler enables deletion processing.
Public classBulkDeleteSettings
Public classBulkInsertDataEventArgs
Bulk insert event arguments.
Public classBulkInsertDataHandler
Bulk insert handler enables insert result processing.
Public classBulkInsertEventArgs
Bulk insert event arguments.
Public classBulkInsertHandler
Bulk insert handler enables insert result processing.
Public classBulkInsertSettings
Public classBulkUpdateEventArgs
Bulk update event arguments.
Public classBulkUpdateHandler
Bulk update handler enables update result processing.
Public classCheckDependenciesException
Exception to report attempt to delete an object which has required dependencies.
Public classClassCodeGenerationSettings
Represents the code generation configuration for the data class.
Public classClassSiteInfo
ClassSiteInfo data container class.
Public classClassSiteInfoProvider
Class providing ClassSiteInfo management.
Public classClassStructureInfo
Class information.
Public classClearClassStructureInfosWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to clear all class structure infos.
Public classClearHashtablesWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to clear hashtables.
Public classClearReadOnlyObjectsWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to clear all read only objects.
Public classCloneResult
Class encapsulating cloning result messages.
Public classCloneSettings
Class encapsulating parameters for object cloning (used in InsertAsClone settings)
Public classCMSApplication
Base class for CMS Application
Public classCMSConnectionContext
Ensures that the wrapped API calls are executed against specific database(s).
Public classCMSConnectionScope
Allows changing command timeout for a code block. Also allows specifying a connection that is used for executing all ConnectionHelper calls that are passed the query text directly within a code block.
Public classCMSHttpApplication
Envelope class with request mappings for HttpApplication class
Public classCMSLateBoundTransaction
Class that manages the transaction scope, but doesn't start it until BeginTransaction is called.
Public classCMSOutputMetaFile
Represents MetaFileInfo object used for response output.
Public classCMSTransactionScope
Transaction scope. Ensures that all queries run within single transaction.
Public classCodeNameNotUniqueException
Exception to report not unique code name.
Public classCodeNameNotValidException
Exception to report not valid code name.
Public classCollectionPropertyTransformationResultType
Property transformation for a collection. Enumerates the properties of the collection objects and does transformation according to that property.
Public classCollectionPropertyWrapper
Base class for the collection property wrapper
Public classCollectionPropertyWrapperObjectType
Wrapper that transforms the collection to values of its object properties
Public classColumnsTranslationEventArgs
Columns translation event arguments
Public classColumnsTranslationEvents
Columns translation events handlers.
Public classColumnsTranslationHandler
Columns translation event handler.
Public classCombinedInfoObjectCollection
Collection that combines several info object collections of specific type.
Public classCombinedInfoObjectCollectionCollectionType, ObjectType
Collection that combines several info object collections of specific type.
Public classConnectionContext
Connection context.
Public classConnectionHelper
Connection helper class.
Public classContinuousIntegrationSettings
Determines how the object behaves within continuous integration. Represents continuous integration settings in the type information of objects.
Public classCountColumn
Count column
Public classCreateSearchFieldEventArgs
Arguments of event represented by CreateSearchFieldHandler.
Public classCreateSearchFieldFromSettingsEventArgs
Arguments of event represented by CreateSearchFieldFromSettingsHandler.
Public classCreateSearchFieldFromSettingsHandler
Handler for event raised when search field is being created from search settings.
Public classCreateSearchFieldHandler
Handler for event raised when search field is being created.
Public classDatabaseFieldAttribute
Specifies to which database column the property maps
Public classDatabaseHelper
Provides database operations
Public classDatabaseIDFieldAttribute
Specifies to which database column the property maps. Marks this column as an ID column.
Public classDatabaseInstallationSettings
Container for configuration data required for database installation.
Public classDatabaseMappingAttribute
Specifies to which database column the property maps. For simple database mappings use DatabaseFieldAttribute instead.
Public classDatabasePermission
Database permissions
Public classDatabaseSeparationHelper
Sets of methods used for database separation
Public classDataClassFactory
DataClass factory.
Public classDataClassInfo
Describes Data Class configuration.
Public classDataClassInfoBaseTInfo
ClassInfo data container class.
Public classDataClassInfoProvider
Provides access to data class information.
Public classDataClassInfoProviderBaseTProvider
Class providing DataClassInfo management.
Public classDataClassNotFoundException
This exception is thrown when data class is not found.
Public classDataConnectionFactory
Provides DataConnection object for specified data provider according to configuration settings.
Public classDataDefinition
Data definition base class
Public classDataDefinitionItemChangeEventArgs
Data definition item change arguments
Public classDataDefinitionItemChangeHandler
Data definition item change handler
Public classDataDefinitionItemEventArgs
Data definition item arguments
Public classDataDefinitionItemEvents
Events for data definition item handling
Public classDataDefinitionItemHandler
Data definition item handler
Public classDataEngineCodeTemplateGenerator
Data engine code template generator.
Public classDataEngineModule
Represents the Data Engine module.
Public classDataEngineModuleMetadata
Represents the Data Engine module metadata.
Public classDataExtensions
Extensions for the SettingsProvider classes
Public classDataParameter
Container for a single query parameter.
Public classDataQuery
Queries particular database data or defines parameters for data selection
Public classDataQueryBaseTQuery
Queries particular database data or defines parameters for data selection
Public classDataQuerySettings
Defines parameters for the data query. Use DataQuery method UseParameters to apply this parameters to a query.
Public classDataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery
Defines parameters for the data selection
Public classDataQuerySource
Base class for Data query source
Public classDataQuerySourceParameters
Parameters for the data query source
Public classDataSetPostProcessingEventArgs
Custom event arguments used for default data post processing.
Public classDataType
Data type definition
Public classDataTypeT
Data type definition
Public classDataTypeManager
Provides management of SQL data types
Public classDefaultClassThumbnail
Is able to select default metafile of the class. Default metafile is the one with name starting with "default.".
Public classDefaultDataSettings
Settings for export of the default database data and web template data
Public classDefaultDataTypeTextSerializer
Class responsible for serialization and deserialization of DataType values to text. Serializer is used as a fallback when no serializer is set for given data type.
Public classDeletedFKs
Class to define FKs which were removed during DB separation. Is used in DB join.
Public classDeleteMetaFileWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to delete meta files.
Public classDictionaryCommandWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to execute dictionary web farm task.
Public classDynamicDataParameter
Represents a dynamic data parameter which value is resolved at the execution of the query, not when the parameter is defined
Public classDynamicObjectTypeInfo
Dynamic object type info structure for objects which definition can be changed during the lifetime.
Public classEmptyCollectionInfoType
Empty info object collection
Public classEnumerableWrapperTObject
Wrapper to make the given object purely enumerable
Public classEnumerationObjectTypeFilter
Filter excluding everything except of given type enumeration.
Public classExecuteQueryEventArgsTResult
Execute query event arguments
Public classExecuteQueryHandlerTResult
Execute query handler
Public classExpressionBuilderSettings
Object to encapsulate the expression builder settings
Public classExternalColumnSettingsInfoType
Object to encapsulate the settings of an externally stored column within a InfoObject.
Public classExtraColumn
Defines a column of another object type as a reference (foreign key relationship) pointing to the current object type. Determines how the system handles dependencies for the reference. For example data integrity during import and staging, or cascading deleting when a referenced object is deleted.
Public classFieldBaseFieldType
Form field base class
Public classFieldDataType
Field data types - string constants.
Public classFieldInfo
Basic field definition
Public classFullNameInfoObjectCollectionTInfo
Collection of GeneralizedInfos indexed by full name of the object
Public classGeneralConnection
Represents a general database connection.
Public classGeneralInfo
General info class to work with any object type
Public classGeneralInfoProvider
General info provider
Public classGeneralizedAbstractInfo
Base info object interface for abstract info
Public classGeneralizedAbstractInfoTInfo
Info object interface for abstract info
Public classGeneralizedInfo
Info object interface.
Public classGetIDParameters
Parameters wrapper for the TranslationHelper.GetID function
Public classGetObjectsDataSettings
Configuration class for GetObjectsData(GetObjectsDataSettings).
Public classHashtableSettings
Settings for provider hashtables
Public classHierarchyHelper
Object hierarchy manipulation methods.
Public classIDNotTranslatedException
Thrown when identifier was required and was not translated
Public classIDQuery
Predefined query returning IDs of the given object type, can be used as a nested query in IN and NOT IN statements
Public classIDQueryObjectType
Predefined query returning IDs of the given object type, can be used as a nested query in IN and NOT IN statements
Public classImportExportSettings
Class representing export/import settings in the type information of objects.
Public classIndex
Class representing database index.
Public classIndexColumn
Class representing database index column.
Public classIndexExtensions
Extension methods for Index class.
Public classInfoCollectionSettings
Settings for the info object collection
Public classInfoDataSetTInfo
CMS DataSet class. Enhancement to DataSet to provide strongly typed collection side-by-side with the data.
Public classInfoHelper
General info methods and properties
Public classInfoIdentifier
Represents the general info object identifier that uses object type to translate info object ID to code name and vice versa.
Public classInfoObjectCollection
General info object collection
Public classInfoObjectCollectionTInfo
Generic info object collection.
Public classInfoObjectException
Base class for the exceptions on the info objects.
Public classInfoObjectFactory
Object factory producing info objects based on the object type
Public classInfoObjectRepository
Repository for info objects.
Public classInfoObjectRepositoryTCollection, TObject, TSettings
Repository for info objects.
Public classInfoProviderLoader
Provides functionality for info object provider loading.
Public classInvalidateAllWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to invalidate all objects.
Public classInvalidateChildrenWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to invalidate children objects.
Public classInvalidateObjectWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to invalidate objects.
Public classIsContentFieldEventArgs
Argument of event represented by IsContentFieldHandler.
Public classIsContentFieldHandler
Handler for event raised when field is being decided whether it is a content field.
Public classIsIndexFieldEventArgs
Argument of event represented by IsIndexFieldHandler.
Public classIsIndexFieldHandler
Handler for event raised when field is being decided whether it is an index field.
Public classLayoutHelper
Helper for layout objects
Public classLicenseException
Throws when system requests feature with insufficient license
Public classLoadDataSettings
Defines the settings for loading data into objects
Public classLoadProviderEventArgs
Load provider event arguments
Public classLogObjectChangeEventArgs
Object event arguments for log object change event
Public classLogObjectChangeHandler
Log object change handler
Public classLogObjectChangeSettings
Class for log object change.
Public classMemoryDataQuerySource
Data query source as DataSet
Public classMetaFileInfo
MetaFileInfo data container class.
Public classMetaFileInfoProvider
Class providing MetaFileInfo management.
Public classMetaFileURLProvider
Provider for metafiles URLs.
Public classMissingSQLTypeException
Exception raised when unsupported SQL type is encountered.
Public classModule
Represents the standard module.
Public classModuleCommands
Module commands.
Public classModuleManager
Manages the list of modules within application
Public classMultiObjectQuery
Multiple objects query
Public classMultiObjectQueryBaseTQuery, TInnerQuery, TObject
Base class for multiple objects query
Public classMultiQueryBaseTQuery, TInnerQuery
Base class for the query consisting of multiple queries
Public classNestedQuerySettings
Settings to define how a nested query should be created
Public classNestedSelectQueryColumn
Query column defined by the nested query e.g. "(SELECT UserID FROM CMS_User WHERE ...) AS RelatedUserID"
Public classNotImplementedInfo
Info object with no methods implemented. Serves as a base info for partially implemented info objects.
Public classObjectAttachmentsCategories
Class containing names of the object attachment (metafiles) categories names used by CMS.
Public classObjectChangeOrderEventArgs
Object event arguments
Public classObjectChangeOrderEventArgsTObject
Object event arguments
Public classObjectChangeOrderHandler
Object handler
Public classObjectDataEventArgs
Object data event arguments
Public classObjectDataEventHandler
Object data handler enables manipulation with object data.
Public classObjectDependency
Represents a reference (foreign key relationship) from one object type to another. Defines how the system handles dependencies for the reference. For example data integrity during import and staging, or cascading deleting when a referenced object is deleted.
Public classObjectEventArgs
Object event arguments
Public classObjectEventArgsTObject
Object event arguments
Public classObjectEvents
Object events
Public classObjectHandler
Object handler
Public classObjectHelper
Object manipulation methods.
Public classObjectProperty
Object property wrapper
Public classObjectQuery
Predefined query returning given object type. Uses the .selectall query internally.
Public classObjectQueryTObject
Queries particular database data or defines parameters for data selection
Public classObjectQueryBaseTQuery, TObject
Predefined query returning given object type. Uses the .selectall query internally.
Public classObjectQuerySettings Obsolete.
Object query parameters
Public classObjectReference
Represents a reference from one object type to another.
Public classObjectSecurityEventArgs
Object event arguments
Public classObjectSecurityEventArgsTObject
Object event arguments
Public classObjectSecurityHandler
Object handler
Public classObjectSettingsInfo
ObjectSettingsInfo data container class.
Public classObjectSettingsInfoProvider
Class providing ObjectSettingsInfo management.
Public classObjectSortEventArgs
Object event arguments
Public classObjectSortEventArgsTObject
Object event arguments
Public classObjectSortHandler
Object handler
Public classObjectSourceTObject
Data query source which gets the data for specific object type
Public classObjectSourceBaseTSource
Query source
Public classObjectTreeLocation
Defines a location for an object type within the object tree in the export/import or staging interface.
Public classObjectTypeColumnNotFoundException
The ObjectTypeColumnNotFoundException is thrown when an object type is without column definition.
Public classObjectTypeInfo
Object type info structure.
Public classObjectTypeListItem
Container for object types list item.
Public classObjectTypeManager
Class with various types of object type lists
Public classObjectTypeSequenceAnalyzer
Provides the sequence of object types ordered by their dependencies. Dependencies are returned before the object type on which they depend on.
Public classObjectTypeTreeNode
Class for parsing XML tree with staging objects.
Public classOrderByColumn
Order by column
Public classOrderByColumnList
Represents list of OrderBy columns
Public classOtherBindingCollection
Info collection of object other bindings
Public classOtherBindingRepository
Specialized repository for binding object types
Public classPermissionCheckException
Base class for the exceptions raised in permissions check.
Public classPredefinedObjectType
Predefined object type constants.
Public classProcessObjectWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to process an object's data of given object type ObjectType.
Public classProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue
Provider dictionary.
Public classProviderDictionaryCollection
Collection of the provider dictionaries.
Public classProviderHelper
Helper methods for info providers
Public classProviderInfoDictionaryTKey
BaseInfo dictionary.
Public classQueryColumn
Simple query column e.g. "DocumentName" / "DocumentName AS Name"
Public classQueryColumnBaseTColumn
Query column
Public classQueryColumnList
Represents a list of query columns
Public classQueryColumnListBase
Provides basic query column list functionality
Public classQueryColumnSqlFunctions
Provides extension methods with SQL functions applicable to the QueryColumn object.
Public classQueryColumnXmlExtensions
Query column extension methods which provide XML querying capabilities.
Public classQueryDataParameters
Container that holds a list of query parameters.
Public classQueryExpression
Represents a general query expression
Public classQueryExpressionBaseTExpression
Query expression base class
Public classQueryInfo
Represents a query and its parameters.
Public classQueryInfoProvider
Enables access to queries.
Public classQueryListInfo
Info class providing the list of queries for the query selector
Public classQueryMacros
Query expressions
Public classQueryName
System query names
Public classQueryParameters
Query parameters container.
Public classQueryParametersBaseTParent
Generic variant of the abstract query object, provides fluent syntax
Public classQuerySource
Data query source which gets the data from specific SQL expression. That can be table name, view name, or more complex SQL expression.
Public classQuerySourceBaseTSource
Defines base class for the query source
Public classQuerySourceTable
Defines the query source table (or view) with optional alias and hints.
Public classQueryValueExpression
Query value expression
Public classRemoveClassStructureInfoWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to remove classes.
Public classRemoveReadOnlyObjectWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to remove read only objects.
Public classRowNumberColumn
Row number query column e.g. "ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DefaultCulture) AS CMS_RN"
Public classSearchDocument
Represents collection of field values for indexing.
Public classSearchDocumentExtensions
Extension methods for working with SearchDocument instance.
Public classSearchDocumentParameters
Initialization parameters used to create new SearchDocument.
Public classSearchField
Represents search field.
Public classSearchFieldFactory
Factory for ISearchField objects allowing search engines to customize the flags of fields being created.
Public classSearchFieldsConstants
Search field constants
Public classSearchFieldsExtensions
Extension methods for working with ISearchFields collection.
Public classSearchFieldsHelper
Contains helper methods for index fields.
Public classSearchIndexSettings
SearchIndexSettings handles management of index settings container.
Public classSearchIndexSettingsInfo
Search Index Settings Info object.
Public classSearchSettings
SearchSettings class provides methods for manipulation with SearchSettingsInfo objects.
Public classSearchSettingsInfo
Search settings class.
Public classSelectCondition
Provides the selection where condition for ABC IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) for very large number of items.
Public classSelectQueryColumnBaseTColumn
Query column
Public classSeparatedField
Definition of separated field configuration. Content of separated field is stored in extra file when using continuous integration.
Public classSeparatedTables
Class providing list of separated tables including SQL and XML definitions
Public classSerializationSettings
Determines how the system serializes object fields from the database into XML files. Represents serialization settings in the type information of objects.
Public classSettingsCategoryInfo
Represents a Settings key.
Public classSettingsCategoryInfoProvider
Class providing Settings category management.
Public classSettingsKeyChangedEventArgs
Class containing data for event raised when the settings key is successfuly changed.
Public classSettingsKeyInfo
Represents a Settings key.
Public classSettingsKeyInfoProvider
Provides access to settings keys.
Public classSettingsKeyName
Represents the settings key name.
Public classSettingsService
Settings service
Public classSimpleObjectHandler
Simple object handler
Public classSiteInfoIdentifier
Represents the site info object identifier.
Public classSqlDebug
SQL debug methods
Public classSqlEvents
SQL events.
Public classSqlExceptionExtensions
Extension methods for SqlException class.
Public classSqlGenerator
Generates SQL queries for given table.
Public classSqlHelper
Class to provide common SQL methods.
Public classSqlHints
Provides SQL hints
Public classSqlInstallationHelper
Sets of methods for creating database during installation process.
Public classSqlOperator
Defines SQL operators
Public classSqlRepresentationAttribute
Defines the SQL representation of the given method call
Public classSQLScript
SQL script to be applied during upgrade or hotfix.
Public classSqlSecurityHelper
Security methods for SQL queries
Public classSqlServerCapabilitiesFactory
Class that returns SQL server capabilities based on the connection string and server edition.
Public classSQLSettings
Provides SQL settings for hotfixing databases.
Public classStructuredField
Definition of the structured field for simple xml values with fixed order of xml elements. For advanced fields use generic variant.
Public classStructuredFieldTImplementationType
Definition of the structured field configuration
Public classSynchronizationObjectSettings
Class encapsulating parameters for GeneralizedInfo serialization (export).
Public classSynchronizationSettings
Class representing synchronization (staging) settings in the type information of objects.
Public classSystemColumns
System column names
Public classSystemViewNames
System view name constants.
Public classTableManager
Ensures management of database table and table column.
Public classTempFileInfo
TempFileInfo data container class.
Public classTempFileInfoProvider
Class providing TempFileInfo management.
Public classTranslationHelper
Class to provide objects translation interface ID - CodeName.
Public classTranslationParameters
Parameters wrapper for methods of TranslationHelper.
Public classTranslationReferenceLoader
Loader allowing to instantiate TranslationReference from various sources.
Public classTraverseObjectSettings
Class encapsulating parameters for GeneralizedInfo serialization (export).
Public classTypeCondition
Class determining condition which can distinguish between several object types within one Info class.
Public classTypeInfoEvents
Object events for particular type info
Public classUpdateMetaFileWebFarmTask
Web farm task used to update meta files.
Public classUpdateQueryExpression
Provides the values expression for the update query built from the given pairs of column names and respective values (or expressions)
Public classWhereBuilder
Where condition builder
Public classWhereCondition
Where condition builder
Public classWhereConditionBaseTParent
Where condition builder - Generic base class
Public structureColumnDefinition
Data column definition
Public interfaceIBulkOperationProvider
Adds bulk operation support to info object provider.
Public interfaceICMSQueryable
Interface for queryable CMS objects
Public interfaceICMSQueryableTObject
Interface for queryable CMS objects
Public interfaceIDataClass
DataClass interface.
Public interfaceIDataConnection
Data connection interface that must be implemented by data providers.
Public interfaceIDataContractSerializerServiceT
Interface for service serializing / deserializing objects from / to XML using DataContractSerializer.
Public interfaceIDataDefinitionItem
Interface for data definition items.
Public interfaceIDataProvider
Data provider interface.
Public interfaceIDataQuery
Data query interface
Public interfaceIDataQueryTQuery
Interface for the data query for a specific query type
Public interfaceIDataQuerySettings
Data query parameters interface
Public interfaceIDataQuerySettingsTQuery
Data query parameters interface for a specific query
Public interfaceIDataTypeTextSerializer
Defines contract for serialization and deserialization of DataType values to text.
Public interfaceIField
Interface for field items.
Public interfaceIFullNameInfoProvider
Interface for InfoProvider class which uses full name as info identifier.
Public interfaceIInfo
Interface for the info objects
Public interfaceIInfoDataSet
InfoDataSet interface
Public interfaceIInfoObjectCollection
Interface for info object collection
Public interfaceIInfoObjectCollectionTInfo
Interface for generic info object collection
Public interfaceIInfoObjectRepositoryTCollection
Interface for generic info object repository of collections
Public interfaceIInfoProvider
Interface describing common info object provider.
Public interfaceILicenseService
Interface for check license
Public interfaceIMacroSecurityCheckPermissions
Marks a class for which permissions are to be checked during macro resolution.
Public interfaceIMultiObjectQuery
Multi object query interface
Public interfaceIMultiObjectQueryTQuery, TInnerQuery, TObject
Multi object query interface for a specific query
Public interfaceIMultiQuery
Multi query interface
Public interfaceIMultiQueryTQuery, TInnerQuery
Multi query interface for a specific query
Public interfaceIObjectQuery
Interface for the object query
Public interfaceIObjectQueryTQuery, TObject
Interface for the object query for a specific query type
Public interfaceIObjectTypeDriven
Interface for object type driven controls
Public interfaceIObjectTypeFilter
Wrapper for object types collection filtering logic.
Public interfaceIProviderDictionary
Exposes required members for access to non-generic implementation of provider dictionary.
Public interfaceIProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue
Represents a generic implementation of provider dictionary.
Public interfaceIQueryColumn
General interface for the query columns
Public interfaceIQueryExpression
General interface for the query expression
Public interfaceIQueryObject
Base interface for all query objects
Public interfaceIQueryObjectWithValue
Base interface for all query objects with value
Public interfaceIQueryParameters
Query parameters interface.
Public interfaceIQueryParametersTParent
Query parameters interface.
Public interfaceIQuerySource
Query source interface
Public interfaceIRelatedObjectCountProvider
Defines info provider which holds count of related object.
Public interfaceISearchable
Interface for search.
Public interfaceISearchField
Represents search field.
Public interfaceISearchFields
Search fields collection and field constants
Public interfaceISearchIndexInfo
Index info interface.
Public interfaceISqlGenerator
Sql generator interface.
Public interfaceISqlServerCapabilities
Sql server capabilities contract.
Public interfaceIStagingTaskGroup
Interface for classes that are used to group staging tasks.
Public interfaceIStructuredData
Interface for the structured objects
Public interfaceIStructuredField
Definition of the structured field configuration
Public interfaceITableIndexes
Encloses information about table indexes.
Public interfaceITableManager
Ensures management of database table and table column.
Public interfaceITestableProvider
Adds testing support to info provider.
Public interfaceITransactionScope
Transaction scope interface
Public interfaceIWebFarmProvider
Adds web farm task processing support to info provider.
Public interfaceIWhereCondition
Interface for classes which provide where condition
Public interfaceIWhereConditionTParent
Interface for classes which provide where condition for a specific query type
Public delegateAsyncAction
Action event delegate.
Public delegateCloneSettingsOnCloneInsert
Handles actions before/after inserting the clone. Use to further modify given object according to settings.
Public delegateDataConnectionFactoryGetConnectionEventHandler
Gets connection method delegate.
Public delegateInfoObjectRepositoryTCollection, TObject, TSettingsLoadCollectionHandler
Delegate to define the handle to load the collection of this type.
Public delegateInfoProviderLoaderOnLoadProvider
Load provider delegate.
Public delegateLoadDataEventHandler
Event which should load the data to the object when fired.
Public delegateObjectTypeInfoObjectLoadRelatedDataEventHandler
Object load related data event handler.
Public delegateObjectTypeInfoOnGetContentEventHandler
Fires when search content is requested. You can modify content value which is saved to the search index.
Public delegateObjectTypeInfoOnLogObjectChangeEventHandler
Logs the object change.
Public delegateObjectTypeTreeNodeOnBeforeCreateNodeHandler
Delegate for handling the OnBeforeCreate action of the tree node.
Public delegateSqlInstallationHelperLogProgress
Delegate of event fired when message logging is required.
Public delegateSynchronizationObjectSettingsOnProcessID
Handles FK ID (can be used to fill translation helper for example).
Public enumerationAggregationType
Constants for aggregation types
Public enumerationAsyncWorkerStatusEnum
Async worker status enumeration.
Public enumerationAuthorizationResultEnum
Enumeration of the user authorization result.
Protected enumerationBaseInfoPermissionObjectType
Type of the object for permission check.
Public enumerationCreateSearchFieldOption
Represents creation option of a system search field.
Public enumerationExportFormatEnum
Export format enumeration.
Public enumerationFeatureEnum
Feature types.
Public enumerationIncludeToParentEnum
Determines whether objects of child types are included into the export/staging data of parent objects.
Public enumerationJoinTypeEnum
Join type enumeration
Public enumerationLayoutTypeEnum
Layout type enumeration.
Public enumerationLoadHashtableEnum
Enumeration of the hashtable loading options.
Public enumerationMessageTypeEnum
Message type returned to log panel.
Public enumerationObjectActionEnum
Version action enums.
Public enumerationObjectDependencyEnum
Stores options for handling the referential integrity of references between object types (foreign keys).
Public enumerationObjectPriorityEnum
Enumeration of priorities of objects.
Public enumerationObjectRangeEnum
Enum representing object range (in the scale of site vs. global object).
Public enumerationObjectStatusEnum
Enumeration of the object status.
Public enumerationOperationTypeEnum
Operation type enumeration.
Public enumerationOrderDirection
Constants for DataQuery operators
Public enumerationPermissionsEnum
Permissions enumeration.
Public enumerationQueryExecutionTypeEnum
Execution type of the query.
Public enumerationQueryOperator
Constants for DataQuery operators
Public enumerationQueryScopeEnum
Defines scope where part of a query is used.
Public enumerationQueryTypeEnum
Query type enumeration.
Public enumerationQueryUnaryOperator
Constants for DataQuery unary operators
Public enumerationSearchAnalyzerTypeEnum
Search analyzer type enum.
Public enumerationSettingsKeyActionEnum
Enumerates the possible actions when changing the settings key.
Public enumerationSQLEngineEditionEnum
Enumeration for database engine edition of the instance of SQL Server installed on the server., EngineEdition property.
Public enumerationSqlOperationTypeEnum
Enumeration of the SQL operations.
Public enumerationSQLServerAuthenticationModeEnum
Enumeration of the SQL authentication mode.
Public enumerationSynchronizationTypeEnum
Determines how the system logs staging synchronization tasks for object types.
Public enumerationTaskTypeEnum
Synchronization task types.
Public enumerationTypeEnum
Enumeration of the types
Public enumerationUpdateResultEnum
Result of the update operation.
Public enumerationUseDefaultQueryEnum
Enumeration of the default query usage options
Public enumerationWorkflowStepTypeEnum
Workflow step types enumeration.