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IContactPersonaEvaluator Interface
Contains methods for reevaluation of contact's persona.

Namespace: CMS.Personas
Assembly: CMS.Personas (in CMS.Personas.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public interface IContactPersonaEvaluator

The IContactPersonaEvaluator type exposes the following members.

Public methodReevaluateAllContacts
Reevaluates all contacts and assigns them to proper persona.
Public methodReevaluateAllContactsAsync
Reevaluates all contacts and assigns them to proper persona asynchronously.
Public methodReevaluateContact
Reevaluates given contact and finds proper persona the contact should be assigned to.
Public methodReevaluateContactAsync
Reevaluates given contact and finds proper persona the contact should be assigned to asynchronously.
Public methodReevaluateContacts
Reevaluates given contacts and assigns them to proper persona.
Public methodReevaluateContactsAsync
Reevaluates given contacts and assigns them to proper persona.
Use PersonasFactory to obtain implementation of this interface. Contact can be in one persona only - contact belongs to persona if score quotient (contact score points divided by persona score limit) is the highest one of all personas.
See Also