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CMS.Personas Namespace
Public classContactInfoExtensions
Provides extension methods working with personas for ContactInfo.
Public classContactPersonaEvaluator
Contains methods for reevaluation of contact's persona.
Public classMultipleDocumentsActionFactory
Simplifies creating implementations of operations on personas and nodes.
Public classPersonaInfo
PersonaInfo data container class.
Public classPersonaInfoProvider
Class providing PersonaInfo management.
Public classPersonaNodeInfo
PersonaNodeInfo data container class.
Public classPersonaNodeInfoProvider
Class providing PersonaNodeInfo management.
Public classPersonaPictureImgTagGenerator
Class capable of generating HTML img tags displaying persona picture.
Public classPersonaPictureUrlCreator
Creates urls of the persona images.
Public classPersonaService
Provides methods to determine membership of contacts in personas.
Public classPersonasFactory
Factory to access classes of the Personas module.
Public interfaceIContactPersonaEvaluator
Contains methods for reevaluation of contact's persona.
Public interfaceIMultipleDocumentsAction
Denotes contract for performing actions on multiple personas and multiple nodes.
Public interfaceIPersonaPictureImgTagGenerator
Defines contract of the service capable of generating HTML img tags displaying persona picture.
Public interfaceIPersonaPictureUrlCreator
Creates urls of the persona images.
Public interfaceIPersonaService
Provides methods to determine membership of contacts in personas.
Public interfaceIPreviewPersonaStorage
Defines contract for the storage for saving and retrieving personas which should be displayed in the preview mode.
Public enumerationMultipleDocumentsActionTypeEnum
Specifies types of mass action on personas and nodes.