MacroSettings Properties |
The MacroSettings type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AllowContextMacros |
If true, the properties from contexts are not resolved unless explicitly registered.
| |
AllowRecursion |
If true, the recursion is allowed within the macro resolving. Default value is true.
| |
AvoidInjection |
If true, the resolving of the macros should avoid SQL injection (escapes the apostrophes in output). Default value is false
| |
CacheDependencies |
Outputs the cache dependencies collected during the processing.
| |
Culture |
Culture used for the resolving.
| |
DisableContextMacros |
If true, all the context macros are disabled (only base MacroResolver sources are checked).
| |
DisableContextObjectMacros |
If true, context objects (such as ForumContext, CommunityContext, CMSContext, ...) will not be resolved.
| |
DisablePageContextMacros |
If true, page context macros are not available (CurrentDocument, CurrentPageInfo).
| |
EncapsulateMacroObjects |
If true, the object will be encapsulated to its macro representations.
| |
EncodeResolvedValues |
If true, the resolved macro values are encoded to avoid XSS. Default value is false
| |
EvaluationTimeout |
Expression evaluation timeout in milliseconds. If the evaluation time exceeds this time, evaluation will be aborted and the result will be null.
| |
ExternalTimeoutChecker |
Gets or sets the function used as timeout watchdog besides EvaluationTimeout setting. Returns true if timeout has occurred.
| |
FileCacheDependencies |
Outputs the file cache dependencies collected during the processing.
| |
CheckIntegrity |
If true, the integrity of security parameters is checked within macro evaluation.
| |
CheckSecurity |
If true, the security is checked within macro evaluation.
| |
KeepUnresolvedMacros |
If true, unresolved macros are kept in their original form.
| |
MaxRecursionlevel |
Gets or sets the maximal recursion level.
| |
RelatedObject |
Related object allows set object used for resolving in macro method. Used in web part properties.
| |
TrackCacheDependencies |
If true, the resolving tracks cache dependencies. Default value is false.
| |
UserName |
Gets or sets the name of the user which will be used to verify security when CheckIntegrity is false.
| |
VirtualMode |
If true, the virtual mode is enabled for the macro resolver, meaning that the resolver always tries to return non-null values. Instead, empty objects are provided.