TraverseObjectSettings Properties |
The TraverseObjectSettings type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Binary |
If true, binary data is exported as well.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
BindingDuplicities |
Gets duplicities for object bindings
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
Columns |
Gets or sets COLUMNS clause.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
CreateHierarchy |
If true, result will be hierarchical (children, bindings in lower level than parent etc.).
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DisableCollectionPaging |
If true, the traversal process sets AllowPaging to false to all the collections it goes through.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocAliasPath |
Path. It may contain % and _ as wild card characters for any number of unknown characters or one unknown character respectively (for MS SQL).
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocClassNames |
List of classNames to select separated by semicolon (e.g.: "cms.article;cms.product").
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocCombineWithDefaultCulture |
Specifies if return the default culture document when specified culture not found.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocConnectedObjects |
Gets or sets the list of collections from ConnectedObjects collection which will go into the result.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocCoupledData |
If false, coupled data are not included in the result.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocCultureCode |
Nodes culture code.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocDeleteAllCultures |
If true, all cultures are deleted when document is being deleted.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocDestroyHistory |
If true, the history is deleted when the document is being deleted.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocLinkedDocuments |
If true, linked documents are included in the result.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocSelectOnlyPublished |
Select only published nodes.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocSingleDocument |
If true, only single document is selected
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocSiteName |
Nodes site name.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
DocVersion |
Version of the document to return.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
Encoding |
Gets or sets the encoding used for REST responses.
| |
EnsureBinaryData |
If true, all the collections are forced to load binary data.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
ExcludedNames |
Objects with codename or display name starting with these names will be filtered out.
| |
ExportItemURI |
Gets or sets URI of the exported item (needed for ODATA export).
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
Format |
Format of the export data (xml/json/etc.).
| |
HandleBoundObjects |
If false, all bound objects (such as children or all types of bindings) are not being handled.
If true, handling of these objects is determined by more specific settings (such as IncludeChildren, IncludeBindings, etc.)
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeBindings |
If true, binding objects are included in the result.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeCategories |
If true, parent category hierarchy of the object is included in the result as well.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeChildren |
If true, child objects are included in the result.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeMetadata |
If true, metadata are included in the result as well.
| |
IncludeMetafiles |
If true, metafiles of the object are included in the result as well.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeObjectData |
If false, object data are not exported (true by default).
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeOtherBindings |
If true, other binding objects are included in the result.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeProcesses |
If true, automation processes of the object are included in the result as well.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeRelationships |
If true, relationships of the object are included in the result as well.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeScheduledTasks |
If true, scheduled tasks of the object are included in the result as well.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeSiteBindings |
If true, site binding objects are included in the result. This setting is applied only when IncludeBindings is true.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
IncludeTranslations |
If true, translation table is exported within the result as well.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
JSONCallback |
Gets or sets the callback JS code used a JSONP.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
LocalizeToLanguage |
Culture code of the language to which the resulting response will be localized (if there are any localization macros - for example as a display name of the object).
Null or empty string mean no localization is done to the response.
| |
MaxRecords |
Gets or sets maximum number of records.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
MaxRelativeLevel |
Determines maximal level of the relationship (parent-child). -1 means all levels, 0 means no child objects, 1 means first level of children, etc.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
Offset |
Gets or sets offset of the records.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
Operation |
Operation type (Export / Synchronization / etc.). According to this parameter export determines which child / binding objects to include in the export.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
OrderBy |
Gets or sets ORDER BY clause.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
Parameter | Obsolete.
Custom object passed as a parameter to export settings.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
ProcessIDCallback |
Method which is called to process any FK ID.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
ProcessTranslations |
If true, translation table is filled within ProcessTranslations method.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
RequestStockKey |
Returns key for request stock helper caching.
(Overrides SynchronizationObjectSettingsRequestStockKey.) | |
RootName |
Name of the root element of the resulting export (root of xml).
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
TopN |
Gets or sets TOP N clause.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
Translate |
If true, REST request was for translation.
| |
TranslationHelper |
Translation helper to pass to the callback methods.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) | |
WhereCondition |
Where condition.
(Inherited from SynchronizationObjectSettings.) |