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MembershipMethods Methods

The MembershipMethods type exposes the following members.

Protected methodGetExtension(String)
Returns a Extension of given name (return null if specified Extension does not exist).
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainer<TContainer, TExtension>.)
Protected methodGetExtension(Type, String)
Returns the extension by type and name. Does not cache the result. Does not cache the result.
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainer<TContainer, TExtension>.)
Protected methodGetExtensions
Gets the extensions for the given type. Does not cache the result.
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainer<TContainer, TExtension>.)
Public methodStatic memberGetFormattedUserName
Returns formatted username in format: full name (nickname) if nickname specified otherwise full name (username). Allows you to customize how the usernames will look like throughout the admin UI.
Public methodGetMethod
Returns a method of given name (return null if specified method does not exist).
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Public methodStatic memberHasAnyMembership
Tests whether user has any membership
Public methodStatic memberHasMembership
Tests whether user has membership
Public methodStatic memberCheckPrivilegeLevel
Returns true if user fulfils the required privilege level (the higher level contains all children: GlobalAdmin -> Admin -> Editor -> None).
Public methodStatic memberIsAuthorizedPerResource
Returns true if given user is granted with specified permission
Public methodStatic memberIsAuthorizedPerUIElement
Returns true if current user is granted with permission to given UI element.
Public methodStatic memberIsInGroup
Tests whether user is in group
Public methodStatic memberIsInRole
Tests whether user is in role
Protected methodRegisterExtension
Registers a Extension to the container.
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainer<TContainer, TExtension>.)
Protected methodRegisterExtensions
Registers all the methods.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Public methodRegisterMethod
Registers the given method.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Protected methodRegisterMethodInternal(String, Func<EvaluationContext,Object[], Object>, Type, String, Int32,Object[,],String[])
Registers the given method within the method table.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Protected methodRegisterMethodInternal(String[], Func<EvaluationContext,Object[], Object>, Type, String, Int32,Object[,],String[])
Registers the given method within the method table.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Protected methodRegisterMethods()
Registers all the methods.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Public methodRegisterMethods(MacroMethod[])
Registers the given methods.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
See Also