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TranslationSettings Class
Class encapsulating settings for manipulating with Translation Services (XLIFF format).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.TranslationServices
Assembly: CMS.TranslationServices (in CMS.TranslationServices.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public class TranslationSettings

The TranslationSettings type exposes the following members.

Public methodTranslationSettings
Public propertyDataType
Gets or sets the data type of the translation - constant according to XLIFF specification (htmlbody, plaintext, ...).
Public propertyGenerateTargetTag
If true, target tag is generated and filled with source tag content while exporting to XLIFF (needed for If not set, the setting is initialized based on translation service setting.
Public propertyInstructions
Gets or sets the instructions which will be added to the translation submission.
Public propertyItemIdentifier
Gets or sets unique identifier of a file within a submission.
Public propertyPriority
Gets or sets the priority with which the translation will be submitted to the translation service (the higher the number the higher the priority).
Public propertyProcessBinary
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether to process binary values.
Public propertySourceLanguage
Gets or sets the source language of the object/document.
Public propertyTargetLanguages
Gets or sets the target languages of the object/document.
Public propertyTranslateAttachments
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether to include attachments binary data fields into translation.
Public propertyTranslateDocCoupledData
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether to include coupled data fields into translation.
Public propertyTranslateEditableItems
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether to include editable regions into translation.
Public propertyTranslateWebpartProperties
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether to include webpart properties into translation.
Public propertyTranslationDeadline
Gets or sets the deadline proposed for the translation.
Public propertyTranslationServiceName
Gets or sets code name of the translation service used to submit a translation.
Public methodClone
Creates clone of translation settings
See Also