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OnlineMarketingTransformationFunctions Class
Online marketing functions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.OnlineMarketing
Assembly: CMS.OnlineMarketing (in CMS.OnlineMarketing.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public class OnlineMarketingTransformationFunctions

The OnlineMarketingTransformationFunctions type exposes the following members.

Public methodOnlineMarketingTransformationFunctions
Public methodStatic memberActivityLinkedToObject
Returns if activity is linked to object of type given in parameter and codename given in second parameter.
Public methodStatic memberBelongsToAccount
Returns true if contact belongs to specified account.
Public methodStatic memberClickedLinkInNewsletter
Returns true if the contact clicked link in specified newsletter.
Public methodStatic memberDidActivities
Returns true if the contact did any/all of the specified activities.
Public methodStatic memberDidActivity
Returns true if the contact did a specified activity.
Public methodStatic memberFilledFormFieldWithValue
Returns true if the contact filled a form with the given field at least once so that the value contains expected value. Also returns false for global contacts.
Public methodStatic memberFirstActivityOfType
Returns contact's first activity of specified activity type.
Public methodStatic memberGetContactInfo
Returns contact related with subscriber. If there is no known relation between contact and subscriber, returns contact with the same email. In this case, if there is more contacts with the same email, selects the one with last logged activity.
Public methodStatic memberGetEmailDomain
Returns e-mail domain name.
Public methodStatic memberGetLastNewsletterIssue
Returns last newsletter issue that was sent to the contact of the state.
Public methodStatic memberGetScore
Returns contact's points in specified score on current site.
Public methodStatic memberInteractedWithNewsletterIssue
Returns true if the contact clicked link in the specified newsletter issue.
Public methodStatic memberIsFromCountry
Returns true if the contact's country matches one of the specified countries.
Public methodStatic memberIsFromState
Returns true if the contact's country matches one of the specified countries.
Public methodStatic memberIsInCommunityGroup
Returns true if the contact is in any/all of the specified community groups (i.e. if any of the user assigned to the contact is in any/all specified community groups).
Public methodStatic memberIsInContactGroup
Returns TRUE if the contact is in any/all specified contact group(s) on current site.
Public methodStatic memberIsInRoles
Returns true if the contact is in any/all of the specified roles (i.e. if any of the user assigned to the contact is in any/all specified roles).
Public methodStatic memberLastActivityOfType
Returns contact's last activity of specified activity type.
Public methodStatic memberLoggedIn
Returns true if the contact logged in.
Public methodStatic memberOpenedNewsletter
Returns true if the contact opened specified newsletter.
Public methodStatic memberPurchasedNumberOfProducts
Returns true if the contact purchased specified number of products in last X days.
Public methodStatic memberPurchasedProduct
Returns true if the contact purchased specified product or its variant.
Public methodStatic memberRegisteredForEvent
Returns true if the contact registered for specific event.
Public methodStatic memberSearchedForKeywords
Returns true if the contact did search (internal or external) for specified keywords in last X days.
Public methodStatic memberSpentMoney
Returns true if the contact spent specified amount of money (counted by order total price in main currency) in last X days.
Public methodStatic memberSubmittedForm
Returns true if the contact submitted specified form.
Public methodStatic memberSubscribedToNewsletter
Checks whether contact is subscribed to the given newsletter. Check is made based on the contact's email address. If there is a subscriber with the contact's email subscribed to the newsletter, it means contact is subscribed. Performs check against the Unsubscription table to determine, whether the contact is unsubscripted from the newsletter or not.
Public methodStatic memberUnsubscribedFromAllEmails
Returns true if the contact unsubscribed from all emails in the last X days.
Public methodStatic memberVisitedPage
Returns true if the contact visited specified page.
Public methodStatic memberVotedInPoll
Returns true if the contact voted in the poll.
See Also