ValidationHelper Class |
Namespace: CMS.Helpers
public class ValidationHelper
The ValidationHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ValidationHelper |
Name | Description | |
App setting key for hash string salt.
Name | Description | |
ClientIDRexExp |
Gets or sets the regular expression for client id validation.
| |
CodenameRegExp |
Codename regular expression.
| |
ColorRegExp |
Hexa color code regular expression.
| |
CustomEmailRegExpString |
Custom email regular expression string from web.config for email validation.
| |
CustomUsernameRegExpString |
Custom user name regular expression string from web.config for user name validation.
| |
EmailRegExp |
Gets the regular expression used to validate e-mail addresses.
| |
FileNameForbiddenCharRegExp |
Regular expression to match forbidden characters in file name.
| |
FolderRegExp |
Folder regular expression.
| |
GuidRegExp |
GUID regular expression.
| |
HashStringSalt |
Returns salt used for hashing string in GetHashString() method.
| |
IdentifierRegExp |
Identifier regular expression.
| |
IntRegExp |
Integer regular expression.
| |
LongRegExp |
Long regular expression.
| |
UnicodeCodenameRegExp |
Codename regular expression with support of Unicode letters.
| |
URLRegExp |
URL regular expression.
| |
UsernameRegExp |
Username regular expression.
| |
UseSafeRoleName |
Indicates whether to use safe or normal role names.
| |
UseSafeUserName |
Indicates whether to use safe or normal user names.
| |
UsPhoneNumberRegExp |
U.S. Phone number regular expression.
Name | Description | |
AreEmails(Object) |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Email list (email addresses separated by semicolon).
| |
AreEmails(Object, String) |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Email list separated by specified character (default separator is semicolon).
| |
Base64Decode |
Method used to obtain original text formatted to UTF-8 and encoded in base64
| |
GetBinary |
Returns the byte[] representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetBoolean |
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetCodeName(Object, Int32) |
Gets the code name created from the given string.
| |
GetCodeName(String, String, String) |
Gets the code name created from the given display name.
| |
GetCodeName(Object, String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, String, Boolean) |
Gets the code name created from the given string.
| |
GetColor |
Returns the color representation of a query parameter or default value
if parameter is not a valid color.
| |
GetDate(Object, DateTime) |
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetDate(Object, DateTime, CultureInfo) |
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetDateSystem |
Returns the DateTime representation of an object (using English representation of date and time) or default value if not.
| |
GetDateTime(Object, DateTime, CultureInfo) |
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetDateTime(Object, DateTime, String) |
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetDateTimeSystem |
Returns the DateTime representation of an object (using English representation of date and time) or default value if not.
| |
GetDecimal(Object, Decimal) |
Converts the given object to a decimal value
| |
GetDecimal(Object, Decimal, CultureInfo) |
Converts the given object to a decimal value
| |
GetDecimalSystem |
Converts the given object to a decimal value
| |
GetDefaultHashStringSalt |
Gets the default hash string salt
| |
GetDouble(Object, Double, CultureInfo) |
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetDouble(Object, Double, String) |
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetDoubleSystem |
Returns the double representation of an object (using English representation of floating point numbers) or default value if not.
| |
GetFloat |
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetGuid |
Returns the GUID representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetHashString |
Gets the SHA2 hash for the given value (salt unique to certain user session and database is added).
| |
GetHResult |
Converts HResult (ErrorCode) from exception to format comparable with error codes in hex format.
| |
GetIdentifier(Object) |
Gets the identifier created from the given name
| |
GetIdentifier(Object, String) |
Gets the identifier created from the given name
| |
GetInteger |
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetIntegers |
Returns array of integer representations of supplied values or default value when not an int.
| |
GetLanguage |
Gets the language created from the given string.
| |
GetLong |
Returns the long representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetNullableBoolean |
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if a conversion doesn't exist.
| |
GetSafeFileName |
Get safe file name in which forbidden characters are replaced with specified replacement
| |
GetSafeInteger |
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
Consumes all exceptions.
| |
GetSafeRoleName |
Gets safe version of rolename.
| |
GetSafeUserName |
Gets safe version of username.
| |
GetSafeXML |
Removes forbidden characters from given xml string.
| |
GetString(Object, String, CultureInfo) |
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetString(Object, String, String) |
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetString(Object, String, String, String) |
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
| |
GetStringFromHash |
Gets string from byte array.
| |
GetTimeSpan(Object, TimeSpan) |
Converts the given object to a decimal value
| |
GetTimeSpan(Object, TimeSpan, CultureInfo) |
Converts the given object to a decimal value
| |
GetTimeSpanSystem |
Converts the given object to a decimal value
| |
GetValueReturnType(Object) |
Converts the value to specified type.
| |
GetValueT(Object, T) |
Converts the value to specified type. If the value is null, default value is used.
| |
IsAllowedXMLCharacter |
Returns true if the character is within range of allowed characters.
| |
IsBoolean |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Boolean type.
| |
IsCodeName |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Code name.
| |
IsColor |
Returns true if the object representation matches the hexa color code expression or value is an existing string representation of color.
| |
IsDateTime |
Returns true if the object representation matches the date time format.
| |
IsDecimal |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Decimal type.
| |
IsDouble |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Double type.
| |
IsDoubleSystem |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Double type in English culture.
| |
IsEmail |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Email.
| |
IsFileName |
Returns true if the object representation matches the file name.
| |
IsFolderName |
Returns true if the object representation matches the folder name.
| |
IsFullName |
Returns true if the object representation matches full name form ([namespace].[classname].[identifier]).
| |
IsGuid |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Guid type.
| |
IsIdentifier |
Returns true if the object representation matches the IdentifierRegExp.
| |
IsInRange(Double, Double, Double) |
Returns true if value is higher than or equal to minimum and lesser than or equal to maximum.
| |
IsInRange(Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Returns true if value is higher than or equal to minimum and lesser than or equal to maximum.
| |
IsInteger |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Integer type.
| |
IsIntervalValid |
Returns true if fromDate precedes toDate.
| |
IsLong |
Returns true if the object representation matches the Long type.
| |
IsPositiveNumber |
Returns true if the object representation matches the positive number.
| |
IsRegularExp |
Returns true if the object representation matches given regular expression.
| |
IsSpecialFileName |
Returns true if the file name is restricted.
| |
IsSpecialFolderName |
Returns true if the folder name is restricted.
| |
IsTimeSpan |
Returns true if the object representation matches the TimeSpan type.
| |
IsType |
Returns true if value is of type.
| |
Returns true if the given URL is valid.
| |
IsUserName |
Returns true if the object representation matches the User name.
| |
IsUsPhoneNumber |
Returns true if the object representation matches the U.S. Phone number.
| |
IsValidClientID |
Returns true if the object representation matches the criteria for valid client id value.
| |
LoadBoolean |
Attempts to load the given new value as a bool to the result. Returns true if the conversion of the new value was successful, if not, returns false and keeps the value the same.
| |
LoadDateTime |
Attempts to load the given new value as a DateTime to the result. Returns true if the conversion of the new value was successful, if not, returns false and keeps the value the same.
| |
LoadDateTimeSystem |
Attempts to load the given new value as a DateTime to the result (it uses en-us culture). Returns true if the conversion of the new value was successful, if not, returns false and keeps the value the same.
| |
LoadDouble |
Attempts to load the given new value as a double to the result. Returns true if the conversion of the new value was successful, if not, returns false and keeps the value the same.
| |
LoadDoubleSystem |
Attempts to load the given new value as a double to the result (it uses en-us culture). Returns true if the conversion of the new value was successful, if not, returns false and keeps the value the same.
| |
LoadGuid |
Attempts to load the given new value as a Guid to the result. Returns true if the conversion of the new value was successful, if not, returns false and keeps the value the same.
| |
LoadInteger |
Attempts to load the given new value as an integer to the result. Returns true if the conversion of the new value was successful, if not, returns false and keeps the value the same.
| |
LoadLong |
Attempts to load the given new value as a long to the result. Returns true if the conversion of the new value was successful, if not, returns false and keeps the value the same.
| |
LoadString |
Attempts to load the given new value as a string to the result. Returns true if the conversion of the new value was successful, if not, returns false and keeps the value the same.
| |
ValidateHash |
Validates the hash for the given value.
| |
ValidateHashes |
Validates the hashes for the given values.