CacheHelper Class |
Namespace: CMS.Helpers
public class CacheHelper : AbstractHelper<CacheHelper>
The CacheHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CacheHelper |
Name | Description | |
Cache minutes for caching the system data in API. 1 hour by default
| |
CacheItemPriority |
Cache item priority.
| |
CSS caching key.
| |
Default cache dependencies constant.
| |
Dummy item.
| |
File node caching key.
| |
Full page caching key.
| |
mProgressiveCaching |
If true, progressive caching is enabled, meaning that two threads accessing the same code share the result of an internal operation
| |
No cache dependencies constant.
| |
Page info caching key.
| |
Partial cache key.
| |
Cache item separator.
Name | Description | |
AllowCacheByCulture |
If true, the cache allows separate keys by culture.
| |
AllowCacheByUserName |
If true, the cache allows separate keys by user name.
| |
AlwaysCacheFiles |
Gets if files are always cached on client, even outside the live site.
| |
AlwaysCacheResources |
Gets if resources are always cached on client, even outside the live site.
| |
BaseCacheKey |
Returns the base cache key (created with all parameters considered to be valid for proper caching).
| |
ClientCacheRequested |
Gets if the client specified cache settings in request.
| |
CurrentCachePrefix |
Current context name
| |
CurrentRequestDependencyList |
Current request dependency list, if set the list is used for the cache dependencies of the page output.
| |
DependencyChanged |
DependencyChanged items count (removed by the dependency).
| |
Expired |
Expired items count (removed by the system for expiration reasons).
| |
MultiplePrefixesUsed |
If true, multiple cache prefixes were used
| |
PersistentDirectory |
Persistent data directory.
| |
PersistentDirectoryInternal |
Persistent data directory.
| |
PhysicalFilesCacheMinutes |
Gets the expiration time in minutes that should be set for the physical files in the client cache.
| |
ProgressiveCaching |
If true, progressive caching is enabled, meaning that two threads accessing the same code share the result of an internal operation
| |
Removed |
Removed items count (removed correctly by the system).
| |
TrackCacheDependencies |
Returns true if the cache dependencies for the output cache are tracked.
| |
Underused |
Underused items count (removed sooner for memory reasons).
Name | Description | |
Add(String, Object, CMSCacheDependency, DateTime, TimeSpan) |
Mirror to Cache.Add().
| |
Add(String, Object, CMSCacheDependency, DateTime, TimeSpan, CacheItemPriority, CacheItemRemovedCallback, Boolean) |
Mirror to Cache.Add().
| |
AddInternal |
Mirror to Cache.Add().
| |
AddOutputCacheDependencies |
Adds the given keys as a dependency for current page output.
| |
AddPersistentDataType |
Saves the persistent item to the file
| |
AddResponseCacheDependencies |
Adds the given dependency cache keys to the Response cache.
| |
BuildCacheItemName |
Builds the cache item name from the given parts
| |
CacheTData(FuncTData, CacheSettings) |
Wraps the operation to a cached section. This method supports progressive caching and is able to distribute unhandled exceptions to other simultaneously running threads.
| |
CacheTData(FuncCacheSettings, TData, CacheSettings) |
Wraps the operation to a cached section. This method supports progressive caching and is able to distribute unhandled exceptions to other simultaneously running threads.
| |
CacheEnabled |
Returns true if the content caching is enabled.
| |
CacheImageAllowed |
Checks if the file attachment is below the maximum file size used for caching.
| |
CacheImageEnabled |
Returns true if the image caching is enabled.
| |
CacheImageMinutes |
Cache image minutes.
| |
CacheMinutes |
Cache content minutes.
| |
CachePageInfoEnabled |
Returns true if the page info caching is enabled.
| |
CachePageInfoMinutes |
Cache page info minutes.
| |
ClearCache |
Clears the entire system cache.
| |
ClearCache(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Clears the cache content starting with given string. Clears also full page cache (including persistent) when called on website.
| |
ClearCSSCache |
Clear the CSS cache
| |
ClearFileNodeCache |
Clear the cache for the file document nodes.
| |
ClearFullPageCache |
Clear the full page cache (output cache) of the pages.
| |
ClearFullPageCacheFilesInternal |
Deletes all files in persistent file system cache (extension of output cache)
| |
ClearFullPageCacheInternal |
Clear the full page cache (output cache) of the pages.
| |
ClearOutputCache |
Clears the output cache for specific page.
| |
ClearPageInfoCache |
Clear the page info cache.
| |
ClearPartialCache |
Clear the partial cache (output cache) of the controls.
| |
ClientCacheMinutes |
Client cache minutes for the processed content (both files and pages).
| |
CreateCacheDependencyInternal |
Creates the cache dependency with specified parameters
| |
DeletePersistent |
Restores the persistent item from the cache
| |
DeletePersistentInternal |
Restores the persistent item from the cache
| |
EnsureDummyKey |
Ensures the dummy key with the given name
| |
EnsureKey |
Ensures the specified cache key.
| |
EnsureOutputCacheDependencies |
Ensures the dependency list for the given key, so the dependencies for current page output can be tracked. The dependencies are tracked automatically only when TrackCacheDependencies property is enabled.
| |
GetBaseCacheKey |
Returns the base cache key (created with all parameters considered to be valid for proper caching).
| |
GetCacheDependencies |
Processes the dependencies string. Returns default dependencies if the source is null or empty.
If source is NO_CACHE_DEPENDENCY constant, then method also returns this constant.
When source is specified and contains DEFAULT_CACHE_DEPENDENCIES constant, then this constant
indicates that default dependencies should be appended to the source. The DEFAULT_CACHE_DEPENDENCIES also remains
in the string so other processes can insert their default dependencies.
| |
GetCacheDependency(ListString) |
Creates the cache dependency from the given keys.
| |
GetCacheDependency(String) |
Creates the cache dependency from the given keys.
| |
GetCacheDependency(String) |
Creates the cache dependency from the given keys.
| |
GetCacheDependency(ListString, ListString) |
Creates the cache dependency from the given keys.
| |
GetCacheDependency(String, String) |
Creates the cache dependency from the given keys.
| |
GetCacheItemName(String, Object) |
Gets the cache item string.
| |
GetCacheItemName(Boolean, String, Object) |
Gets the cache item string.
| |
GetCacheItemsString |
Gets the cache items string (item names separated by semicolon)
| |
GetCombinedCacheItems |
Gets combined cache items for setting and default items
| |
GetCultureCacheKey |
Gets the cache key for current culture
| |
GetCultureCacheKey(String) |
Gets the cache key for the given culture
| |
GetDependencyCacheKeys |
Parses the string and returns the array of the cache dependency keys.
| |
GetEnumeratorInternal |
Gets the enumerator for the cache items.
| |
GetFileCacheDependency |
Creates the cache dependency from the given file path.
| |
GetFromPersistentFileInternalDataType |
Gets the persistent item from file
| |
GetFullKeyInternal |
Gets the full cache key with the prefix
| |
GetInnerValue |
Gets the inner value for the cache item
| |
GetInternal |
Gets the item from the cache.
| |
GetItem |
Gets item from cache.
| |
GetPersistentFileName |
Gets the persistent file name for the given cache key
| |
GetPersistentFilePathInternal |
Gets the file name for the given cache key
| |
GetUserCacheKey |
Gets the cache key for current user
| |
GetUserCacheKey(String) |
Gets the cache key for current user the given user
| |
InsertInternal |
Inserts the item into the cache.
| |
MaxCacheFileSize |
Maximum size of the file that is allowed to be cached in kilobytes.
| |
RegisterAutomaticCallback |
Registers the automatic callback that is executed at the specific time
| |
RegisterDependencyCallbackTTarget |
Registers a cache callback for given list of cache dependencies
| |
Remove |
Removes object from cache.
| |
RemoveDependencyCallback |
Registers a cache callback for given list of cache dependencies
| |
RemoveInternal |
Removes the item from the cache.
| |
RevalidateClientCache |
Returns whether the client cache should be revalidated by the call to the server.
| |
SaveToPersistentFileInternalDataType |
Saves the persistent item to the file
| |
SetAsDefaultHelper |
Sets this object as the default helper
(Inherited from AbstractHelperHelperType.) | |
TouchKey(String) |
Touches the cache key to drop the dependencies.
| |
TouchKey(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Touches the cache key to drop the dependencies.
| |
TouchKey(String, Boolean, Boolean, DateTime) |
Touches the cache key to drop the dependencies.
| |
TouchKey(String, Boolean, Boolean, DateTime, Boolean) |
Touches the cache key to drop the dependencies.
| |
TouchKeyInternal |
Touches the cache key to drop the dependencies.
| |
TouchKeys(IEnumerableString) |
Touches the cache key to drop the dependencies.
| |
TouchKeys(IEnumerableString, Boolean, Boolean) |
Touches the cache key to drop the dependencies.
| |
TouchKeys(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Touches the cache keys separated by new line to drop the dependencies.
| |
TouchKeysInternal |
Touches the cache key to drop the dependencies.
| |
TryGetItem(String, Object) |
Returns true if the cache contains the item with specified key.
| |
TryGetItem(String, Boolean, Object) |
Returns true if the cache contains the item with specified key.
| |
TryGetItemOutputType(String, OutputType) |
Returns true if the cache contains the item with specified key.
| |
TryGetItemOutputType(String, Boolean, OutputType, Boolean) |
Returns true if the cache contains the item with specified key.
| |
TryRestorePersistentDataType |
Restores the persistent item from the cache