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QueryDataParameters Class
Container that holds a list of query parameters.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.DataEngine
Assembly: CMS.DataEngine (in CMS.DataEngine.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public class QueryDataParameters : IEnumerable<DataParameter>, 

The QueryDataParameters type exposes the following members.

Public methodQueryDataParameters
Public propertyCount
Number of the registered parameters
Protected propertyExistingLocalParameters
Table of existing parameters [name -> DataParameter]
Protected propertyExtraLocalMacros
Extra query macros
Public propertyFillDataSet
DataSet to be filled by the query. If not given, new DataSet is created
Public propertyItemInt32
Returns the parameter on specified index.
Public propertyItemString
Returns the parameter of the specified name.
Protected propertyLocalParameters
List of parameters defined locally in this instance
Public propertyMacroCount
Number of macros in the data parameters
Protected propertyParentParameters
Parent query parameters
Public propertyQueryAfter
Text included after the query
Public propertyQueryBefore
Text included before the query
Public propertySource
Source of the data
Public methodAdd(DataParameter)
Adds the parameter into the list.
Protected methodAdd(DataParameter, Boolean)
Adds the parameter into the list.
Public methodAdd(String, Object, Boolean)
Adds the parameter into the list.
Public methodAdd(String, Object, Type)
Adds the parameter into the list.
Public methodAddDateTime
Adds the date time parameter into the list (if the date time is DateTime.MinValue, adds DBNull.Value).
Public methodAddGuid
Adds the guid parameter into the list (if the guid id Guid.Empty, adds DBNull.Value).
Public methodAddId
Adds the ID parameter into the list (if the ID is not larger than 0, adds DBNull.Value).
Public methodAddMacro
Adds the macro to the query data parameters
Public methodAddUnique(DataParameter, Boolean)
Adds the parameter into the list, if the parameter already exists, defines a unique name for it.
Public methodAddUnique(String, Object, Boolean)
Adds the parameter into the list, if the parameter already exists, defines a unique name for it.
Public methodEquals
Returns true if the object equals another object
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodExpand
Expands the expression by replacing parameters with their values
Public methodGetCompleteQueryText
Gets the complete query text updated with the parameters
Public methodGetEnumerator
Gets the enumerator.
Public methodGetHashCode
Provides a hashcode for the object
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Protected methodGetMacros
Gets the enumerator.
Public methodGetUpdateQueryColumns Obsolete.
Gets the columns representation for the update query in the form of Column1 = @Column1, Column2 = @Column2, etc.
Public methodIncludeDataParameters
Adds the data parameters to the current query parameters
Public methodResolveMacros
Resolves macros within the given query text
Public methodToArray
Converts the data parameters to an array of parameters [[name, value, type], ...].
Public methodToString
Converts the data parameter to string
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Extension Methods
See Also