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IWhereConditionTParent Interface
Interface for classes which provide where condition for a specific query type

Namespace: CMS.DataEngine
Assembly: CMS.DataEngine (in CMS.DataEngine.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public interface IWhereCondition<TParent> : IWhereCondition, 
	IQueryParameters, IQueryObject, IDisposable

Type Parameters


The IWhereConditionTParent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataSourceName
Data source identifier that represents the location from which the data are obtained.
(Inherited from IWhereCondition.)
Public propertyName
Object name, empty by default
(Inherited from IQueryObject.)
Public propertyParameters
Query data parameters
(Inherited from IQueryObject.)
Public propertyWhereCondition
Where condition on the data, e.g. "DocumentName = 'ABC'"
(Inherited from IWhereCondition.)
Public propertyWhereIsComplex
Returns true if the given where condition contains compound conditions, e. g. "A > 1 AND B = 5"
(Inherited from IWhereCondition.)
Public propertyWhereIsEmpty
Returns true if the where condition is empty
(Inherited from IWhereCondition.)
Public methodAnd
Changes the where operator to AND for subsequent where conditions. Use in combination of methods Where...
Public methodAnd(IWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition with the AND operator
Public methodAnd(ActionWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition with the AND operator. Creates a new where condition object and runs the setup actions on it.
Public methodApplyParametersTo
Applies this where condition to the target object
(Inherited from IQueryParameters.)
Public methodCloneObject
Creates the clone of the object.
(Inherited from IQueryObject.)
Public methodEnsureParameters
Ensures data parameters for the given query
(Inherited from IQueryParameters.)
Public methodExpand
Expands the expression by replacing parameters with their values
(Inherited from IQueryParameters.)
Public methodChanged
Marks the object as changed
(Inherited from IQueryObject.)
Public methodIncludeDataParameters
Adds the data parameters to the current query parameters
(Inherited from IQueryObject.)
Public methodNewWhere
Clears the current where condition
Public methodNoResults
Sets the where condition to exclude all data from result
Public methodOr
Changes the where operator to OR for next where conditions. Use in combination of methods Where...
Public methodOr(IWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition with the OR operator
Public methodOr(ActionWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition with the OR operator. Creates a new where condition object and runs the setup actions on it.
Public methodReturnNoResults
Sets the query to return no results. This action is irreversible, once the query is set to return no results it cannot be changed. This method is used by data engine to forbid access to data that are not allowed to be accessed (e.g. license limitations), without notifying the process about the fact.
(Inherited from IWhereCondition.)
Public methodToString
Returns the string representation of the expression, with possibility of expanding parameters
(Inherited from IQueryParameters.)
Public methodWhere(IWhereCondition)
Adds the given where conditions to the query
Public methodWhere(ActionWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Creates a new where condition object and runs the setup actions on it.
Public methodWhere(String, QueryDataParameters)
Adds the given where condition to the query
Public methodWhere(String, QueryUnaryOperator)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column value with an unary operator.
Public methodWhere(String, QueryOperator, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value.
Public methodWhereContains
Adds the condition for a string column to contain some substring
Public methodWhereEmpty
Adds the where condition for a null or empty column value
Public methodWhereEquals
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value.
Public methodWhereEqualsOrNull
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value or null value.
Public methodWhereExists
Adds where condition with EXISTS and the nested query "EXISTS (...)"
Public methodWhereFalse
Adds the where condition for a false column value (boolean column equals false).
Public methodWhereID
Adds the where condition to match the ID to the query. In case the column name is not provided or unknown, does not generate where condition. If given ID is invalid, adds the condition to match NULL.
Public methodWhereIn(String, IDataQuery)
Adds where condition to the nested query, e.g. "columnName IN (...)"
Public methodWhereIn(String, ICollectionGuid)
Adds where condition to the list of values, e.g. "columnName IN (...)"
Public methodWhereIn(String, ICollectionInt32)
Adds where condition to the list of values, e.g. "columnName IN (...)"
Public methodWhereIn(String, ICollectionString)
Adds where condition to the list of values, e.g. "columnName IN (...)"
Public methodWhereLike
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value using LIKE operator.
Public methodWhereNot
Adds the negation of the given where condition
Public methodWhereNotContains
Adds the condition for a string column not to contain some substring
Public methodWhereNotEmpty
Adds the where condition for a non empty column value
Public methodWhereNotExists
Adds where condition with NOT EXISTS and the nested query "NOT EXISTS (...)"
Public methodWhereNotIn(String, IDataQuery)
Adds where condition to the nested query, e.g. "columnName NOT IN (...)"
Public methodWhereNotIn(String, ICollectionGuid)
Adds where condition to the list of values, e.g. "columnName NOT IN (...)"
Public methodWhereNotIn(String, ICollectionInt32)
Adds where condition to the list of values, e.g. "columnName NOT IN (...)"
Public methodWhereNotIn(String, ICollectionString)
Adds where condition to the list of values, e.g. "columnName NOT IN (...)"
Public methodWhereNotLike
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value using NOT LIKE operator.
Public methodWhereNotNull
Adds the where condition for a not null column value
Public methodWhereNotStartsWith
Adds the condition for a string column not to start with some prefix
Public methodWhereNull
Adds the where condition for a null column value
Public methodWhereStartsWith
Adds the condition for a string column to start with some prefix
Public methodWhereTrue
Adds the where condition for a true column value (boolean column equals true).
See Also