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AggregatedColumn Class
Aggregated query column e.g. "AVG(XYZ) AS Average"
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.DataEngine
Assembly: CMS.DataEngine (in CMS.DataEngine.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public class AggregatedColumn : SelectQueryColumnBase<AggregatedColumn>

The AggregatedColumn type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAggregationType
Aggregation type
Public propertyColumnAlias
Column alias
(Inherited from SelectQueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
Protected propertyEnsureBracketsForAlias
If true, brackets for the column alias are ensured
(Inherited from SelectQueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
Public propertyExpression
Expression (column name)
(Inherited from QueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
Protected propertyIsImmutable
If true, this object instance is immutable, and next subsequent modification starts with a clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public propertyIsSingleColumn
Returns true if this column represents a single column
(Overrides QueryColumnBaseTColumnIsSingleColumn.)
Public propertyName
Gets the column name
(Inherited from SelectQueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
Public propertyOver
Over clause for the aggregation. When null, over clause is not generated at all, otherwise it is generated even when value is an empty string, in such case " OVER ()" is generated
Public propertyParameters
Query data parameters
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Protected propertyTypedThis
Returns properly typed this
(Inherited from QueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
Protected methodApplyAggregation
Applies the aggregation to the given expression
Protected methodApplyOver
Applies the over clause to the given expression
Public methodApplyParametersTo
Applies this where condition to the target object
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodAs
Sets the alias to the column
(Inherited from SelectQueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
Public methodAsAlias
Returns the new column created from this column alias
(Inherited from QueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
Public methodAsValue
Gets a query expression representing this object as a value
(Inherited from QueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
Public methodCallOnDispose
Adds the given action to the list of actions called when the handler object is disposed
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodClone
Creates the clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodCloneObject
Creates the clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodCopyPropertiesTo
Copies all the object properties to the given target class
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodDispose
Make sure the objects get disposed
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodEnsureParameters
Ensures data parameters for the given query
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodExpand
Expands the expression by replacing parameters with their values
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodGetExpression
Gets the expression for the column data
(Inherited from SelectQueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
Protected methodGetValueExpression
Gets the column expression
(Overrides SelectQueryColumnBaseTColumnGetValueExpression.)
Public methodChanged
Marks the object as changed
(Inherited from AbstractQueryObject.)
Public methodImmutable
Makes this object instance is immutable, and next subsequent modification starts with a clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodIncludeDataParameters
Adds the data parameters to the current query parameters
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodLock
Locks the event on the given lock object. The context stays locked until the handler is disposed.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Protected methodNewResult
Returns properly typed this
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodReset
Flushes the results but leaves the generated query text unchanged. After the reset, query can be executed again to obtain new data.
(Inherited from AbstractQueryObject.)
Public methodSnapshot
Creates an immutable snapshot of the current query as a base for further evaluation. Doesn't modify the original query in any way.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodToString
Returns the string representation of the expression
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodToString(Boolean)
Returns the string representation of the expression, with possibility of expanding parameters
(Inherited from QueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
Public methodUsing
Adds the given object to the list of the allocated objects to dispose
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodWithExpression
Sets the expression
(Inherited from QueryColumnBaseTColumn.)
See Also