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TransformationMethods Class
Class containing wrapper methods for transformation methods which can be used in macro resolver.
Inheritance Hierarchy
  CMS.MacroEngineMacroExtensionContainerMacroMethodContainer, MacroMethod

Namespace: CMS.Controls
Assembly: CMS.Controls (in CMS.Controls.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public class TransformationMethods : MacroMethodContainer

The TransformationMethods type exposes the following members.

Public methodTransformationMethods
Public methodStatic memberAddCurrentCategoryParameter
Appends current category ID to given url.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureMaximumLineLength
Limits line length of the given plain text.
Public methodStatic memberEval
Evaluates the item data and returns it.
Public methodStatic memberEvalCDATA
Evaluates the item data and return escaped CDATA.
Public methodStatic memberFormatDate
Format date without time part.
Public methodStatic memberFormatDateTime
Format date time.
Public methodStatic memberGetAbsoluteUrl
Returns absolute URL from relative path.
Public methodStatic memberGetAbsoluteUrlBySiteID
Returns absolute URL from relative path.
Public methodStatic memberGetAbsoluteUrlBySiteName
Returns absolute URL from relative path.
Public methodStatic memberGetAge
Returns age according to DOB. If DOB is not set, returns unknownAge string.
Public methodStatic memberGetAtomDateTime
Gets time according to RFC 3339 for Atom feeds.
Public methodStatic memberGetAttachmentIcon
Returns HTML markup representing attachment icon.
Public methodStatic memberGetAttachmentUrl
Returns URL of the attachment.
Public methodStatic memberGetBadgeImage
Returns badge image tag.
Public methodStatic memberGetBadgeName
Returns badge name.
Public methodStatic memberGetBlogCommentUrl
Returns URL of the blog comment document.
Public methodStatic memberGetBlogCommentUrlForFeed
Returns URL of the blog comment page with feed parameter.
Public methodStatic memberGetCountryDisplayName
Returns country displayname based on its codename.
Public methodStatic memberGetCurrentDateTimeString
Returns date time string according to user or current site time zone.
Public methodStatic memberGetCustomDateTime
Returns date time with dependence on selected time zone.
Public methodStatic memberGetDate
Returns date from the provided date-time value.
Public methodStatic memberGetDateTime
Returns date time with dependence on current ITimeZone manager time zone settings.
Public methodStatic memberGetDateTimeString
Returns string representation of date time with dependence on current ITimeZone manager time zone settings.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentCssClass
Gets page CSS class comparing the current page alias path. Returns selectedCssClass if given alias path matches the current page alias path. Otherwise returns cssClass.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentLink
Returns a complete HTML code of the link to the currently rendered page.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentUrl
Returns URL of specified document.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentUrlByGUID
Returns URL of specified page.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentUrlByID
Returns URL of specified document.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentUrlForFeed
Returns URL of the currently rendered document with feed parameter.
Public methodStatic memberGetEditableImage
Returns a complete HTML code of the image that is specified by editable image content.
Public methodStatic memberGetEditableImageUrl
Gets the editable image value.
Protected methodGetExtension(String)
Returns a Extension of given name (return null if specified Extension does not exist).
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension.)
Protected methodGetExtension(Type, String)
Returns the extension by type and name. Does not cache the result. Does not cache the result.
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension.)
Protected methodGetExtensions
Gets the extensions for the given type. Does not cache the result.
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension.)
Public methodStatic memberGetFileIcon
Returns HTML markup representing file icon.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileUrl
Returns URL of the attachment with given name.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileUrlByGUID
Returns URL of the attachment with given attachment GUID.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileUrlFromAlias
Returns URL of the attachment with given GUID.
Public methodStatic memberGetForumPostUrl
Returns URL of the specified forum post.
Public methodStatic memberGetForumPostUrlForFeed
Returns URL of the specified forum post with feed parameter.
Public methodStatic memberGetGender
Returns gender of the user.
Public methodStatic memberGetGroupAvatarImage
Returns group avatar image tag, if avatar is not defined returns default group if is defined.
Public methodStatic memberGetGroupAvatarImageByGUID
Returns group avatar image tag, if avatar is not defined returns default group if is defined.
Public methodStatic memberGetGroupProfileUrl
Returns group profile URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetImage
Returns a complete HTML code of the image that is specified by node alias and attachment GUID.
Public methodStatic memberGetImageByUrl
Returns a complete HTML code of the image that is specified by the given url.
Public methodStatic memberGetImageUrl
Gets UI image resolved path.
Public methodStatic memberGetMediaFileUrlForFeed
Returns URL of the specified media file with feed parameter.
Public methodStatic memberGetMemberProfileUrl
Returns member profile URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetMessageBoardUrl
Returns URL of the message board document.
Public methodStatic memberGetMessageBoardUrlForFeed
Returns URL of the message board page with feed parameter.
Public methodGetMethod
Returns a method of given name (return null if specified method does not exist).
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Public methodStatic memberGetNavigationUrl
Returns resolved (i.e. absolute) URL of data item (page) which is currently being processed. Method reflects page navigation settings.
Public methodStatic memberGetRSSDateTime
Gets time according to RFC 822 for RSS feeds.
Public methodStatic memberGetSearchedContent
Returns content parsed as XML if required and removes dynamic controls.
Public methodStatic memberGetSearchImageUrl
Returns URL to current search result item.
Public methodStatic memberGetSearchValue
Returns column value for current search result item.
Public methodStatic memberGetSiteDateTime
Returns site date time according to site time zone.
Public methodStatic memberGetSitemapItem
Returns sitemap XML element for specified type (loc, lastmod, changefreq, priority).
Public methodStatic memberGetUIImageUrl
Gets UI image resolved path.
Public methodStatic memberGetUrl
Returns URL for the specified aliasPath and urlPath (preferable).
Public methodStatic memberGetUserAvatarImage
Returns user avatar image.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserAvatarImageByGUID
Returns user avatar image.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserAvatarImageForUser
Returns user avatar image.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserAvatarImageUrl
Returns user avatar image URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserDateTime
Returns current user date time DateTime according to user time zone.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserFullName
Returns user full name.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserProfileURL
Returns user profile URL.
Public methodStatic memberHTMLEncode
Returns encoded text.
Public methodStatic memberIfCompare
Transformation "if" statement for guid, int, string, double, boolean, DateTime The type of compare depends on comparable value (second parameter) If both values are NULL, method returns false result.
Public methodStatic memberIfDataSourceIsEmpty
Returns nonEmptyResult if specified data source is null or empty, else returns emptyResult.
Public methodStatic memberIfEmpty
Returns nonEmptyResult if value is null or empty, else returns emptyResult.
Public methodStatic memberIfImage
Returns isImage value if file is image.
Public methodStatic memberIsCurrentDocument
Indicates if the given page is the current page.
Public methodStatic memberIsDocumentOnSelectedPath
Indicates if the page is on selected path.
Public methodStatic memberIsImageDocument
Indicates if the page is an image.
Public methodStatic memberJSEncode
Evaluates the item data and returns it.
Protected methodRegisterExtension
Registers a Extension to the container.
(Inherited from MacroExtensionContainerTContainer, TExtension.)
Protected methodRegisterExtensions
Registers all the methods.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Public methodRegisterMethod
Registers the given method.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Protected methodRegisterMethodInternal(String, FuncEvaluationContext, Object, Object, Type, String, Int32, Object, String)
Registers the given method within the method table.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Protected methodRegisterMethodInternal(String, FuncEvaluationContext, Object, Object, Type, String, Int32, Object, String)
Registers the given method within the method table.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Protected methodRegisterMethods
Registers all the methods.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Public methodRegisterMethods(MacroMethod)
Registers the given methods.
(Inherited from MacroMethodContainer.)
Public methodStatic memberRemoveDiscussionMacros
Remove all oc of discussion macros from text.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveDynamicControls
Remove all dynamic controls macros from text.
Public methodStatic memberSearchHighlight
Highlight input text with dependence on current search keywords.
Public methodStatic memberSearchResultUrl
Returns URL for current search result.
Public methodStatic memberTrimSitePrefix
Trims the site prefix from user name(if any prefix found)
See Also