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ApplicationEvents Class
Holds events that allow performing of custom logic at specific points within the application's life cycle.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Base
Assembly: CMS.Base (in CMS.Base.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public sealed class ApplicationEvents

The ApplicationEvents type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberEnd
Occurs just before the application shuts down.
Public fieldStatic memberError
Occurs when an unhandled exception is thrown.
Public fieldStatic memberFinalize
Occurs just before the application shuts down, after the End application event.
Public fieldStatic memberGetVaryByCustomString
Occurs when the application evaluates variables in custom names of output cache keys.
Public fieldStatic memberInitialized
Occurs after the application finishes initialization.
Public fieldStatic memberPostStart
Occurs after the end of the first application request after successful initialization.
Public fieldStatic memberPreInitialized
Occurs after the application pre-initialization.
Public fieldStatic memberSessionEnd
Occurs when an HTTP session is destroyed.
Public fieldStatic memberSessionStart
Occurs when a new HTTP session is created for a client.
Public fieldStatic memberUpdateData
Occurs when the application is ready to perform an upgrade routine.

The events are represented by fields of the SimpleHandler type. Handler methods need to be assigned to the Execute event of individual fields.

Some of the ApplicationEvents are not raised out of web-based applications without the CMSApplication module (when using the Kentico API externally).

See Also