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SharePointView Properties

The SharePointView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes
Provides access to the collection of <View> element attributes. Attributes which are not contained in the collection have their default meaning. Access to some attributes is provided via short hand properties.
Public propertyQueryInnerXml
The inner XML of <Query> element.
Public propertyRowLimit
Specifies the limit of rows retrieved from SharePoint server. Non-positive values mean no limit.
Public propertyScope
Gets or sets the Scope attribute value. Null value removes the attribute (keeping it default). Typical values are FilesOnly (show only the files of a specific folder), Recursive (show all files of all folders) or RecursiveAll (show all files and all subfolders of all folders). The default lists only files and subfolders of a specific folder.
Public propertyViewFields
List of view fields (fields that will be retrieved from the server; some system fields are always retrieved).
See Also