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ForumViewer Properties

The ForumViewer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAbuseReportAccess
Gets or sets the security access enum to abuse report (Authenticated users by default).
Public propertyAbuseReportRoles
Gets or sets the roles split by semicolon, which roles can report abuse, requires security access state authorize roles.
Public propertyAccessDeniedPageURL
Gets or sets the access denied page URL (URL where the user is redirected when trying to access forum for which the user is unauthorized).
Public propertyAttachmentImageMaxSideSize
Gets or sets the maximum side size of image shown in post attachment list.
Public propertyAvatarMaxSideSize
Gets or sets the max side size of avatar image.
Public propertyBaseURL
Gets or sets the forum base URL.
Public propertyCommunityGroupID
Gets or sets the community group id.
Public propertyComponentName
Component name
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyControlContext
Control context.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyControlGUID
Unique ID of the control within the given request.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentDocument
Current document
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentPageInfo
Current page info
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentResolver
Control's resolver
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentSite
Current site
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Current user
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyDisplayAttachmentImage
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether image attachment should be displayed like an image.
Public propertyDisplayBadgeInfo
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether badge info should be displayed.
Public propertyDisplayMode
Gets or sets display mode of the control.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyDocumentManager
Document manager control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyEditedObject
Control's edited object
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyEnableAvatars
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether avatars should be displayed.
Public propertyEnableFavorites
Indicates whether user can add the posts to his favorites.
Public propertyEnableFriendship
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether friendship request is enabled.
Public propertyEnableMessaging
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether private messaging is enabled.
Public propertyEnableOnSiteManagement
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether onsite management is allowed.
Public propertyEnablePostsPaging
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether paging should be used on posts list page.
Public propertyEnableSignature
Indicates whether user signature should be displayed.
Public propertyEnableSubscription
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether subscription is enabled.
Public propertyEnableThreadPaging
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether paging should be used on thread list page.
Public propertyExpandTree
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether forum with tree layout should be expanded.
Public propertyForumID
Gets or sets the forum id base on current url or settings.
Public propertyForumLayout
Gets or sets the forum layout.
Public propertyForumViewMode
Gets or sets the thread view mode.
Public propertyFriendlyBaseURL
Gets or sets base URL for forum which use friendly URLs, if URL is not set URL is set from current document.
Public propertyFriendlyURLExtension
Gets or sets the friendly URL extension.
Public propertyGenerateActionScripts
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether action scripts should be generated.
Public propertyGroupID
Gets or sets the group id based on current settings.
Public propertyHeaderActions
Header actions control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyHideForumForUnauthorized
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the forums for which the user has no permissions are visible in the list of forums in forum group.
Public propertyIsAdHocForum
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether current forum is AdHoc.
Public propertyIsCMSDesk
Determines whether the current control lies on the page that is currently located under the CMS Desk.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyLogActivity
Gets or sets value that indicates whether logging activity is performed.
Public propertyLogonPageURL
Gets or sets the logon page URL.
Public propertyMaxRelativeLevel
Gets or sets the maximal nesting level of posts.
Public propertyMessagesPlaceHolder
Placeholder for messages
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyParameter
Control parameter.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyPostsPageSize
Gets or sets the size of posts page size.
Protected propertyProperties
Control properties.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyRedirectToUserProfile
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether username is link to user profile. User profile path must be defined in site settings
Public propertyRedirectUnauthorized
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether use should be redirected to logon page if he hasn't appropriate permissions to the requested action.
Public propertyRelativePath
Page relative path.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyCode exampleResourcePrefix
Prefix for the resource strings which are used for the localization by the control and its child controls.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyResourcePrefixes
List of cached resource prefixes for the parent hierarchy
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertySearchInForums
Gets or sets the forums in which should be search performed.
Public propertySearchInGroups
Gets or sets the groups names in which should be search proceeded, use semicolon like separator.
Public propertySearchInThreads
Gets or sets the threads where search should be performed.
Public propertySearchNoResults
Gets or sets the text which should be displayed if no result found.
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyShowMode
Gets or sets the tree forum show mode.
Public propertySiteID
Gets or sets the site id which should be used for current control.
Public propertySiteName
Gets or sets the site name which should be used for current control.
Public propertyStopProcessing
Indicates if the control should perform the operations.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyThreadID
Gets or sets the thread id based on current url or settings.
Public propertyThreadOrderBy
Gets order by expression with dependence on current view mode.
Public propertyThreadPageSize
Gets or sets the size of thread list page.
Public propertyTypeName
Returns the object type name.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyUIContext
Control's UI Context
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyUnsubscriptionURL
Gets or sets the unsubscription URL.
Public propertyUseCMSDeskAccessDeniedPage
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether CMSDesk access denied page should be used.
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Public propertyUseFriendlyURL
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether forums should generate friendly URLs.
Public propertyUseRedirectAfterAction
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether after action should be used redirect.
Public propertyUsesLocalMessagesPlaceHolder
Indicates if control uses local messages placeholder
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyViewMode
Gets or sets the thread view mode.
Protected propertyViewState
ViewState - overridden for the Master page ViewState fix.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyWhereCondition
Gets or sets the where condition.
See Also