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EmailMessage Properties

The EmailMessage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttachments
Gets the collection of e-mail attachments.
Public propertyBccRecipients
Gets or sets the BccRecipients.
Public propertyBody
Gets or sets the Body.
Public propertyCcRecipients
Gets or sets the CcRecipients.
Public propertyEmailFormat
Gets or sets the e-mail format.
Public propertyFrom
Gets or sets the From address.
Public propertyHeaders
Gets the collection of extra e-mail header fields (apart from the standard set).
Public propertyPlainTextBody
Gets or sets plain text body.
Public propertyPriority
Gets or sets e-mail priority.
Public propertyRecipients
Gets or sets the Recipients.
Public propertyReplyTo
Gets or sets the ReplyTo address.
Public propertySubject
Gets or sets the Subject.
See Also