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CheckoutProcessStepInfo Properties

The CheckoutProcessStepInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCaption
Step caption.
Public propertyControlPath
ASCX control path.
Public propertyIcon
Step icon.
Public propertyIsExternal
True - step is not defined in standard checkout process, otherwise False.
Public propertyName
Step code name.
Public propertyShowInCMSDeskCustomer
Indicates whether step should be included in checkout process in CMSDesk Customer section.
Public propertyShowInCMSDeskOrder
Indicates whether step should be included in checkout process in CMSDesk Order section.
Public propertyShowInCMSDeskOrderItems
Indicates whether step should be included in checkout process in CMSDesk Order/Items section
Public propertyShowOnLiveSite
Indicates whether step should be included in checkout process on the live site.
Public propertyStepIndex
Zero based step index - initialized when creating list of checkout process steps.
See Also