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SynchronizationSettings Properties

The SynchronizationSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColumnNames
Available column names.
(Inherited from AbstractDataContainerParentObjectType.)
Public propertyIncludeToSynchronizationParentDataSet
Determines whether the data of parent objects automatically includes child objects of the given type during synchronization (for example staging). Applies to object types that have a parent. Set one of the values from IncludeToParentEnum. The default value is Complete for object types that have the ParentObjectType and ParentID properties set in their type info.
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Public propertyLogCondition
Condition that determines which objects of the given type generate synchronization tasks. If set, only objects that match the condition are synchronized.
Public propertyLogSynchronization
Determines whether the system logs staging tasks for objects of the type. Select one of the SynchronizationTypeEnum values.
Public propertyObjectTreeLocations
Adds the object type to the object tree on the Objects tab of the Staging application.
Protected propertyRegisteredColumns
Registered Columns
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected propertyRegisteredColumnsObject
Registered Columns object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Public propertySynchronizedColumns
Limits which fields are included when updating existing objects via synchronization (staging). List collection of field names (as a whitelist). If not set, all fields are synchronized.
Protected propertyUseLocalColumns
If true, the object uses local columns
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
See Also