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BasicCalendar Properties

The BasicCalendar type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCustomTimeZone
Custom TimeZoneInfo object.
Public propertyDataMember
Name of the table when DataSet is used as a DataSource.
Public propertyDataSource
Data source with calendar events - either DataSet or DataTable object.
Public propertyDayField
Name of the field in the DataSource that contains the datetime value.
Public propertyDayWithEventsStyle
Style of the day with an event.
Public propertyDayWithOutEventsStyle
Style of the day without an event.
Public propertyDisplayOnlySingleDayItem
Indicates whether the only one item is displayed in the day.
Public propertyEventEndField
Name of the field in the DataSource that contains the datetime value of event end date.
Public propertyHideDefaultDayNumber
Indicates whether the day number is displayed or cell is full filled by the transformation Current day is saved in the "__day" column
Public propertyItemTemplate
Template for displaying a day with event.
Public propertyNoEventsTemplate
Template for displaying a day without any event.
Public propertyRelatedData
Custom data connected to the object, if not set, returns the Related data of the nearest IDataControl.
Public propertyResolveDynamicControls
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether dynamic controls should be resolved
Public propertySelectedItemID
ID of selected item displayed in the calendar.
Public propertySelectedItemIDColumn
ID column name of selected item displayed in the calendar.
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from UICalendar.)
Public propertyTimeZone
Specifies timezone type.
See Also