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ThreadQueueWorkerTItem, TWorker Properties

The ThreadQueueWorkerTItem, TWorker generic type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyDefaultInterval
Gets the default interval in milliseconds for the worker.
(Inherited from ThreadWorkerT.)
Protected propertyCheckDuplicity
If true, the queue checks the duplicity when inserting items. The duplicity is checked using the default comparer of the item.
Public propertyStatic memberItemsInQueue
Return the current number of items in the queue
Protected propertyLastRun
Last run time
(Inherited from ThreadWorkerT.)
Protected propertyMaintenanceInterval
Gets the maintenance interval in milliseconds for the worker. When 0 (default), the maintenance is not performed.
(Inherited from ThreadWorkerT.)
Protected propertyNextMaintenance
Next maintenance time
(Inherited from ThreadWorkerT.)
Protected propertyPollThread
Gets or sets thread which is periodically checking for new tasks.
(Inherited from ThreadWorkerT.)
Protected propertyUseLogContext
If true, the thread uses a log context for its operations
(Inherited from ThreadWorkerT.)
See Also