RESTService Methods |
The RESTService type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CreateCurrentSiteObject |
Creates an object of given type specified by it's parameters.
| |
CreateGlobalObject |
Creates global object of given type.
| |
CreateObject |
Creates an object of given type specified by it's parameters.
| |
CreateSiteObject |
Creates an object of given type specified by it's parameters.
| |
DeleteCurrentSiteObject |
Deletes object of given type with given name from current site.
| |
DeleteGlobalObject |
Deletes global object of given type with given name.
| |
DeleteObject |
Deletes object of given type with specified ID. If ID is not integer, than it's considered object name and
object from current site with given name is returned.
| |
DeleteObjectInternal |
Deletes given objects and returns it as a result.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
DeleteObjects |
Deletes object of given type satisfying given parameters (WHERE/TOPN).
| |
DeleteSiteObject |
Deletes object of given type with given name from specified site.
| |
EnsureCorrectFormat(DataSet, String) |
Ensures correct serialization format of given DataSet.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
EnsureCorrectFormat(DataTable, String) |
Ensures correct serialization format of given DataTable.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
EnsureSensitiveColumns |
Clears sensitive column values if needed.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetAllObjects |
Returns all objects of given object type.
| |
GetBindings |
Returns list of binding objects of given type.
| |
GetBindingsObjectTypes |
Returns list of binding object types of given object.
| |
GetCurrentSiteObject |
Returns object of given type with given name from current site.
| |
GetCurrentSiteObjects |
Returns objects of given type from current site.
| |
GetExportSettings |
Creates ExportObjectSettings object from query string parameters.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetGlobalObject |
Returns global object of given type with given name.
| |
GetGlobalObjects |
Returns global objects of given type.
| |
GetHashForURL(String) |
Returns hash string which can be than used for given URL instead of authentication.
| |
GetHashForURL(String, String) |
Returns hash string which can be than used for given URL instead of authentication.
| |
GetChildObjectTypes |
Returns list of child object types of given object.
| |
GetChildren |
Returns list of child objects of given type.
| |
GetMacroResult |
Returns the result of the macro expression.
| |
GetObject |
Returns object of given type with specified ID. If ID is not integer, than it's considered object name and
object from current site with given name is returned.
| |
GetObjectByIDInternal(String, String) |
Returns object of given type with specified ID.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetObjectByIDInternal(String, String, Boolean) |
Returns object of given type with specified ID.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetObjectByNameInternal(String, String, String) |
Returns object of given type with specified name from specified site.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetObjectByNameInternal(String, String, String, Boolean) |
Returns object of given type with specified name from specified site.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetObjectDataSetFeed |
Returns SyndicationFeed of object dataset.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetObjects(String) |
Returns list of objects of given type.
| |
GetObjects(String, ExportObjectSettings) |
Returns list of objects of given type.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetResponse |
Returns response for modifying methods - ID and GUID of the modified object.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetServiceDocument |
Exposes Service Document (available data).
| |
GetSiteList |
Exposes the list of all sites.
| |
GetSiteObject |
Returns object of given type with given name from specified site.
| |
GetSiteObjects |
Returns objects of given type from specified site.
| |
GetStream |
Returns proper stream from given object.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetTotalRecordsTable |
Returns table containing one column and one row with total records number.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
GetTypeInfo |
Returns TypeInfo of given object type.
| |
CheckQueryStringParameters |
Checks WHERE, ORDER BY and COLUMNS query string parameters so non-admin users cannot use malicious code (= SQL injection protection).
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
IsAuthorizedForObject(String, String, PermissionsEnum) |
Returns true if current user is granted with specified permission to process operation on the given objecttype.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
IsAuthorizedForObject(BaseInfo, PermissionsEnum, String) |
Returns true if current user is granted with specified permission to process operation on the given objecttype.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
IsObjectTypeAllowed |
Returns true if given object type is allowed to be accessible by the service.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
ReturnForbiddenStatus |
Sets the response status to Forbidden.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
ReturnNotFoundStatus |
Sets the response status to Not found.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
ReturnSiteNotFoundStatus |
Sets the response status to Not found with a comment that the site does not exist.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
SetObjectInternal |
Deletes given objects and returns it as a result.
(Inherited from BaseRESTService.) | |
SetToken |
Validates user name and password and sets security token which will protect application against CSRF.
| |
UpdateCurrentSiteObject |
Updates object of given type with given name from current site.
| |
UpdateGlobalObject |
Updates global object of given type with given name.
| |
UpdateObject |
Updates object of given type with specified ID. If ID is not integer, than it's considered object name and
object from current site with given name is returned.
| |
UpdateSiteObject |
Updates object of given type with given name from specified site.