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RESTSecurityInvoker Methods

The RESTSecurityInvoker type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddBindingParameters
Not needed, remains empty, does nothing.
Public methodAllocateInputs
Calls AllocateInputs on the invoker.
Public methodApplyClientBehavior
Not needed, remains empty, does nothing.
Public methodApplyDispatchBehavior
Initializes the invoker.
Protected methodAuthenticateMembershipContextUserInternal
Authenticates the user from MembershipContext. If everything is ok returns name of the authenticated user. Otherwise returns null.
Public methodAuthenticateUser
Authenticates the user according to authentication type setting.
Public methodStatic memberAuthenticateUser(String)
Authenticates the user according to authentication type setting.
Public methodStatic memberAuthenticateUserBasic
Authenticates the user using basic authentication.
Protected methodAuthenticateUserBasicInternal
Authenticates the user using basic authentication.
Public methodStatic memberAuthenticateUserForms
Authenticates the user from the authentication cookie. If everything is ok returns name of the authenticated user. Otherwise returns null.
Protected methodAuthenticateUserFormsInternal
Authenticates the user from the authentication cookie. If everything is ok returns name of the authenticated user. Otherwise returns null.
Protected methodGetAuthenticatedUserNameInternal
Returns name of authenticated user.
Public methodStatic memberGetAuthenticationType
Returns authentication type from settings.
Public methodStatic memberHandleRESTAuthentication
Handles necessary actions to provide proper REST authentication response
Public methodStatic memberCheckHash
Checks hash parameter. Returns true if the parameter matches the requested URL. For request different from GET returns alsways false.
Protected methodCheckHashInternal
Checks hash parameter. Returns true if the parameter matches the requested URL. For request different from GET returns alsways false.
Public methodInvoke
Invokes the operation only when authentication went well.
Public methodInvokeBegin
Not implemented method.
Public methodInvokeEnd
Not implemented method.
Public methodValidate
Not needed, remains empty, does nothing.
See Also