RESTSecurityInvoker Methods |
The RESTSecurityInvoker type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddBindingParameters |
Not needed, remains empty, does nothing.
| |
AllocateInputs |
Calls AllocateInputs on the invoker.
| |
ApplyClientBehavior |
Not needed, remains empty, does nothing.
| |
ApplyDispatchBehavior |
Initializes the invoker.
| |
AuthenticateMembershipContextUserInternal |
Authenticates the user from MembershipContext. If everything is ok returns name of the authenticated user. Otherwise returns null.
| |
AuthenticateUser |
Authenticates the user according to authentication type setting.
| |
AuthenticateUser(String) |
Authenticates the user according to authentication type setting.
| |
AuthenticateUserBasic |
Authenticates the user using basic authentication.
| |
AuthenticateUserBasicInternal |
Authenticates the user using basic authentication.
| |
AuthenticateUserForms |
Authenticates the user from the authentication cookie. If everything is ok returns name of the authenticated user. Otherwise returns null.
| |
AuthenticateUserFormsInternal |
Authenticates the user from the authentication cookie. If everything is ok returns name of the authenticated user. Otherwise returns null.
| |
GetAuthenticatedUserNameInternal |
Returns name of authenticated user.
| |
GetAuthenticationType |
Returns authentication type from settings.
| |
HandleRESTAuthentication |
Handles necessary actions to provide proper REST authentication response
| |
CheckHash |
Checks hash parameter. Returns true if the parameter matches the requested URL. For request different from GET returns alsways false.
| |
CheckHashInternal |
Checks hash parameter. Returns true if the parameter matches the requested URL. For request different from GET returns alsways false.
| |
Invoke |
Invokes the operation only when authentication went well.
| |
InvokeBegin |
Not implemented method.
| |
InvokeEnd |
Not implemented method.
| |
Validate |
Not needed, remains empty, does nothing.