SyncManager Methods |
The SyncManager type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ArchiveDocument |
Archives the document.
| |
CreateSiteBinding |
Creates a site binding. (Site is specified by SyncManager.SiteID property.)
| |
DeleteDocument |
Deletes the document.
| |
DeleteObject |
Deletes the object.
| |
GetDataSet |
Returns the dataset loaded from the given task data.
| |
GetDataSetInternal |
Returns the dataset loaded from the given task data.
| |
GetPhysicalFilesDataSet |
Gets physical files DataSet.
| |
GetSynchronizationTaskDataSet |
Gets synchronization task empty DataSet for specified task type.
| |
GetSynchronizationTaskDataSetInternal |
Gets synchronization task empty DataSet for specified task type.
| |
ChangeManagerTypeOriginalType |
Changes the default manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManager.) | |
ChangeManagerTypeTo |
Changes the manager type to the given type
(Inherited from AbstractManagerManagerType.) | |
MoveDocument |
Moves the document.
| |
ProceedWithTranslations |
Determines whether to continue with translation operations.
| |
ProcessACLItems |
Break ACL inheritance.
| |
ProcessTask(IStagingTaskData, Boolean, StagingSynchronizationHandler) |
Processes the given task.
| |
ProcessTask(TaskTypeEnum, String, String, String) |
Processes the given task.
| |
ProcessTask(TaskTypeEnum, String, String, String, Boolean) |
Processes the given task.
| |
ProcessTask(TaskTypeEnum, String, String, String, Boolean, StagingSynchronizationHandler) |
Processes the given task.
| |
ProcessTaskInternal |
Processes the given task.
| |
PublishDocument |
Publishes the document.
| |
RejectDocument |
Rejects the document.
| |
RemoveObjectFromSite(DataSet, String, TranslationHelper) |
Removes the object from the site.
| |
RemoveObjectFromSite(GeneralizedInfo, DataSet, TranslationHelper) |
Removes the object from site.
| |
RemoveObjectsFromSite |
Removes the objects from site.
| |
TranslateNodeColumns |
Translates given node columns using data from helper.
| |
UpdateACLs |
Update node with permissions from DataSet.
| |
UpdateAliases |
Updates the document aliases.
| |
UpdateCategories |
Updates the categories.
| |
UpdateDocument |
Updates the document.
| |
UpdateObject(DataSet, DataSet, String, TranslationHelper, Boolean, Boolean) |
Updates the object.
| |
UpdateObject(GeneralizedInfo, DataSet, TranslationHelper, Boolean, DataSet, Boolean, ListGeneralizedInfo) |
Updates the object.
| |
UpdateObjectTInfo(TInfo, DataSet, TranslationHelper, Boolean, DataSet, Boolean, ListGeneralizedInfo) |
Updates the object.
| |
UpdateObjects |
Updates the object.
| |
UpdateRelationships |
Updates the relationships.