AuthenticationHelper Methods |
The AuthenticationHelper type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddUserToKicked |
Adds user to kicked.
| |
AuthenticateFacebookConnectUser |
Authenticate user with provided Facebook Connect parameters. Create new user if createNew
is set to TRUE and user doesn't exist in DB.
| |
AuthenticateLinkedInUser |
Authenticates user with LinkedID parameters. It will create new user if not found in DB.
| |
AuthenticateOpenIDUser |
Authenticate user with provided OpenID parameters. Create new user if createNew is set to TRUE and user doesn't
exist in DB.
| |
AuthenticateUser(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Authenticate given user.
| |
AuthenticateUser(String, String, String, Boolean, AuthenticationSourceEnum) |
Authenticates user against the database.
| |
AuthenticateUserAD |
Authenticates user against the database.
| |
AuthenticateWindowsLiveUser |
Authenticates the Windows Live user with user's LiveID. If user doesn't exists yet and createNew set
to true, then it is created.
| |
CanUserLogin |
Checks if given user can login to system.
| |
DisplayAccountLockInformation |
Indicates if additional info about account lock should be displayed
| |
EnsureExternalUser |
Ensures that the external user record is present in the database.
| |
ExtendAuthenticationCookieExpiration |
Sets the authentication cookie expiration
| |
FinalizeAuthenticationProcess |
Finalizes the authentication process. Does all the actions that are needed
after successful authentication.
| |
ForgottenEmailRequest(String, String, String, String) |
Tries to find user based on given user identifier (checks username and email) and if it finds
the user email with forgotten password is send. It sends password directly or request for getting/regenerating password based on settings.
| |
ForgottenEmailRequest(String, String, String, String, MacroResolver) |
Tries to find user based on given user identifier (checks username and email) and if it finds
the user email with forgotten password is send. It sends password directly or request for getting/regenerating password based on settings.
| |
ForgottenEmailRequest(String, String, String, String, MacroResolver, String, Boolean) |
Tries to find user based on given user identifier (checks username and email) and if it finds
the user email with forgotten password is send. It sends password directly or request for getting/regenerating password based on settings.
| |
ForgottenEmailRequest(String, String, String, String, MacroResolver, String, Boolean, String) |
Tries to find user based on given user identifier (checks username and email) and if it finds
the user email with forgotten password is send. It sends password directly or request for getting/regenerating password based on settings.
| |
GetCurrentUser |
Gets the current user.
| |
GetDomainSamAccountName |
Get domain name in NetBiosDomainName\SamAccountName
| |
GetFormsAuthenticationUserName |
Checks whether the supplied forms authentication cookie is valid. If the cookie is valid, returns name of the authenticated user. Otherwise returns null.
Contains check for BannedIPs Login level.
| |
GetKickedUsers |
Returns ID's of kicked users in string in format: ID1,ID2 ...
| |
GetPolicyViolationMessage |
Returns a message that the entered password doesn't meet the defined password policy.
| |
GetRegistrationApprovalUrl |
Gets URL for user registration approval page (Page where user is required to confirm his registration).
| |
GetResetPasswordUrl |
Returns URL of page where user can reset his password.
| |
GetSecuredAreasLogonPage |
Returns value of CMSSecuredAreasLogonPage setting key, or returns default logon URL if this setting key is empty.
| |
GetSignOutOnClickScript |
Gets the script that performs a SignOut of all the registered third party providers.
| |
GetUnlockAccountUrl |
Returns URL of page where user can unlock her account.
| |
GetUserADRoles |
Gets the user roles from AD.
| |
GetUserAuthenticationUrl |
Prepares the user authentication GUID, adds it as a query string parameter to supplied Url.
| |
GetUserDataFromAuthCookie |
Returns an array with userdata from authentication cookie.
| |
GetUserWindowsRoles |
Gets the user roles.
| |
HandleAdminEmergencyReset |
Handles admin emergency reset
| |
HandleAutomaticSignIn |
Check URL query string for authentication parameter and authenticate user.
| |
CheckInvalidPasswordAttempts |
Check if logging invalid password attempts is enabled and if so, invalid attempt counter is incremented and
if user exceeded maximal number of invalid attempts, her account is locked
| |
CheckPasswordExpiration |
Check if user password is expired and optionally according to settings lock expired password account.
| |
ImpersonateUser |
Impersonates current user.
| |
IsAuthenticated |
Returns true if the current user is authenticated.
| |
IsAuthenticationRedirect |
Checks whether request is being redirected to a logon page.
| |
IsPasswordExpirationEnabled |
Indicates if password expiration is enabled
| |
MaximumInvalidPasswordAttemps |
Gets limit of invalid password attempts before user account is locked
| |
NotifyAdministrator |
Sends notification e-mail to administrator about user registration.
| |
RegisterCustomSignOutScriptProvider |
Registers a custom SignOut script provider.
| |
RemoveExpiredKickedUsers |
Removes expired records from KickUsers hashtable.
| |
RemoveSessionID |
Removes cookie with session ID which enforces ASP.NET to generate new session ID if RenewSessionAuthChange property is set to true.
| |
RemoveUserFromKicked |
Removes user from kicked.
| |
ResetPassword |
Resets password for user based on his request.
| |
ResolveDialogUrl |
Resolves the dialog URL. Keeps the URL in case the user is authenticated, uses the secured /cms/dialogs/ prefix to ensure the authentication for already authenticated user.
| |
ResolveUIUrl |
Resolves the UI URL. Keeps the URL in case the user is authenticated, uses the secured /cms/ prefix to ensure the authentication for already authenticated user.
| |
SendPassword(UserInfo, String, String, String, String, String, MacroResolver) |
Sends given user an email with forgotten/new password. (If the new password isn't provided current password is used for the plain text format or new password is generated for the SHA1/SHA2 format.)
| |
SendPassword(UserInfo, String, String, String, String, String, MacroResolver, Boolean) |
Sends given user an email with forgotten/new password. (If the new password isn't provided current password is used for the plain text format or new password is generated for the SHA1/SHA2 format.)
| |
SendPasswordRequest(UserInfo, String, String, String, String, MacroResolver, String, Boolean) |
Sends e-mail to user for approval request of new password.
| |
SendPasswordRequest(UserInfo, String, String, String, String, MacroResolver, String, Boolean, String) |
Sends e-mail to user for approval request of new password.
| |
SendRegistrationEmails |
Sends registration emails. Returns string with error if any exception occurred.
| |
SendUnlockAccountRequest |
Sends e-mail to user to inform her about her account was locked due to reaching maximum invalid logon attempts.
| |
SetAuthCookieWithUserData |
Creates authentication cookie of user with specified custom data.
| |
SetCurrentUser |
Sets the current user.
| |
SetWindowsUserCultures |
Sets preferred cultures for a windows user
| |
SignOut(String) |
Signs the user out.
| |
SignOut(String) |
Signs the user out.
| |
UnlockUserAccount |
Unlock specified user account
| |
UpdateLastLogonInformation |
Updates last logon information of user = last logon time, IP address and agent.
Doesn't call SetUserInfo!!
| |
UserKicked |
Checks whether the given user is kicked or not.
| |
ValidateResetPassword |
Validates request of password reset.