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LicenseHelper Methods

The LicenseHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddTrialLicenseKeys
Creates trial license keys.
Public methodStatic memberClear
Clears the hashtable with URL results.
Public methodStatic memberClearLicenseLimitation
Clear license limitations tables.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllAvailableKeys
Reports that the license limit was exceeded
Public methodStatic memberGetEditionName
Returns edition name.
Public methodStatic memberGetPackageName
Returns localized package name.
Public methodStatic memberGetSiteIDbyDomain
Returns site id by domains.
Public methodStatic memberGetValidationResultString
Converts license validation result to its string representation.
Public methodStatic memberCheckFeature
Returns true if the feature is available for current URL.
Public methodStatic memberCheckFeatureAndRedirect
Gets the license key for the URL and checks if the feature is supported for its product edition. If not, it redirects the user to ~/CMSMessages/FeatureNotAvailable.aspx
Public methodStatic memberIsFeatureAvailableInUI(FeatureEnum)
Indicates if specified feature is available in UI.
Public methodStatic memberIsFeatureAvailableInUI(FeatureEnum, String)
Indicates if specified feature is available in UI based on whether equivalent module is loaded and specified feature is available in user's licence.
Public methodStatic memberLicenseVersionCheck
License version checker.
Public methodStatic memberRequestFeature
Gets the license key for the URL and checks if the feature is supported for its product edition. If not, it throws and exception.
Public methodStatic memberRequestWebDAVFeature
Checks if the WebDAV feature is supported for current domain. If not, it throws and exception.
Public methodStatic memberValidateLicenseForDomain
Validates license for specified domain.
See Also