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TextHelper Methods

The TextHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBreakLine
Add specified break tag into the input text in specified index.
Public methodStatic memberBulkReplace
Performs bulk replace of given replacements
Public methodStatic memberContentEquals(String, String, Boolean, TextNormalizationSettings)
Checks if two text contents are equal. Ignores extra white spaces, and is case insensitive.
Public methodStatic memberContentEquals(String, String, Boolean, Boolean) Obsolete.
Checks if two text contents are equal. Ignores extra white spaces, and is case insensitive.
Public methodStatic memberEncodeRegexSubstitutes
Encodes regex substitutions like $_, $+, ... so they don't apply as substitutes in the replacement string.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureHTMLLineEndings
Ensures the specified line endings in the given text.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureIndentation(String, Int32)
Ensures the specified line endings in the given text.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureIndentation(String, Int32, String)
Ensures the specified line endings in the given text.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureLineEndings
Ensures the specified line endings in the given text.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureMaximumLineLength(String, Int32)
Limits the line length of given plain text.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureMaximumLineLength(String, Int32, String, Boolean)
Limits the line length of given plain text.
Public methodStatic memberFirstLetterToUpper
Converts the first character to upper case.
Public methodStatic memberGetAmountText
If amount is equal to 1, expression using singular formatting string is returned, otherwise expression using plural formatting string is returned.
Public methodStatic memberJoin
Joins the given list of values with a given separator.
Public methodStatic memberLimitFileNameLength
Limits the filename length (leaves extension).
Public methodStatic memberLimitLength(String, Int32, CutTextEnum)
Limits the string length.
Public methodStatic memberLimitLength(String, Int32, String, Boolean, CutTextEnum)
Limits the string length.
Public methodStatic memberMerge
Joins the given list of values with a given separator.
Public methodStatic memberMergeIfNotEmpty
Joins the given list of values with a given separator. Each value is inserted into the final string only if not empty.
Public methodStatic memberReduceWhiteSpaces
Replace whitespaces in input text to specified replacement.
Public methodStatic memberReformatCode(String)
Reformats the C# or JS code so it is properly indented.
Public methodStatic memberReformatCode(String, Int32)
Reformats the C# or JS code so it is properly indented.
Public methodStatic memberReformatCode(String, Int32, String)
Reformats the C# or JS code so it is properly indented.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveDiacritics
Removes diacritics from Latin characters, non-Latin characters are not changed.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveMultipleCommas
Removes multiple commas (i.e. transforms text "a,,b,," to "a, b").
Public methodStatic memberSetLine
Sets the specific line of the text to a new value
Public methodStatic memberSplitByString
Splits the given string by a defined string separator
Public methodStatic memberSplitCamelCase
Splits the camel cased input text into separate words.
Public methodStatic memberSplitPages(String, Int32)
Returns an array of text pages created from the input string according to the page size.
Public methodStatic memberSplitPages(String, Int32, Boolean)
Returns an array of text pages created from the input string according to the page size.
Public methodStatic memberToTitleCase
Converts the specified string to title case.
Public methodStatic memberTrimEndingWord
Removes specified word from the end of the text (if the text ends with the word). Note: Ignore case enabled.
Public methodStatic memberTrimNumberSuffix
Trims the number suffix from an identifier
See Also