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CMSCssSettings Methods

The CMSCssSettings type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetCacheDependencies
Gets the cache dependencies for the current settings
Public methodGetCacheDependency
Gets the cache dependency for the current settings
Public methodGetCacheString
Gets the cache string for the current settings
Public methodGetCSSQueryString(Boolean)
Gets the query string for the given CSS settings
Public methodGetCSSQueryString(String, ListCMSItem, Boolean)
Gets the query string for the given list of components
Public methodGetFileCacheDependencies
Gets the cache dependencies for the current settings
Public methodHasVirtualContent
Returns true if the settings have some virtual content included
Public methodStatic memberLoad
Loads the given items collection with the new items
Public methodLoadFromQueryString
Loads the CSS settings from the query string
Public methodStatic memberLoadItemsFromQueryString
Loads the CSS settings from the query string
Public methodRegisterCSS(Page)
Registers the CSS files within current request
Public methodRegisterCSS(Page, String, ListCMSItem)
Registers the CSS link for the given items with given query string key
See Also