TableManager Methods |
The TableManager type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddTableColumn |
Add column to specified table.
| |
AlterProcedure |
Alters specified procedure in database
| |
AlterTableColumn |
Rename, retype or allow/not allow NULL values in column
| |
AlterView |
Alters specified view in database
| |
ColumnExistsInView |
Checks if column name is unique in given view.
| |
CreateColumnIndexes |
Creates the table indexes.
| |
CreateProcedure |
Creates specified procedure in database
| |
CreateTable |
Creates specified table in database. Allows specify if identity will be set on primary key column.
| |
CreateView |
Creates specified view in database
| |
DeleteDataFromTable |
Deletes data from specified table.
| |
DeleteObject |
Removes view or stored procedure from database.
| |
DropColumnIndexes |
Drops the column indexes, returns the DataSet of indexes.
| |
DropDefaultConstraint |
Drops the default constraint.
| |
DropTable |
Drop specified table from database.
| |
DropTableColumn |
Remove column from specified table.
| |
DropView |
Drop specified view from database.
| |
ExecuteQuery |
Executes query and returns the results in a DataSet.
| |
GetCode |
Returns SQL code of specified view or stored procedure.
| |
GetColumnIndexes |
Returns the DataSet of column indexes.
| |
GetColumnInformation |
Returns DataSet with specified table column information retrieved from database information schema. Returns columns ColumnName, DataType, DataSize, DataPrecision, Nullable, DefaultValue.
| |
GetIndexes |
Returns DataSet with indexes of the given object. Returns columns IndexName, DropScript, CreateScript
| |
GetList |
Returns list of views or stored procedures.
| |
GetPKConstraintName |
Returns the name of the PK constraint.
| |
GetPrimaryKeyColumns |
Returns list of column names which represent primary keys of the specified database table.
Returns empty list if primary keys are not found.
| |
GetTableDependencies |
Gets list of object names which have foreign key constraint dependency.
| |
GetTablePKName |
Returns name of the primary key. If more columns in PK, names are separated by semicolon ";".
| |
GetTables |
Gets the tables in the current database
| |
GetUniqueTableName |
Returns unique table name (automatically generated table name that not yet exist in the database).
| |
GetValueString |
Returns the float string using the database culture.
| |
GetXmlSchema |
Returns XML schema for specified table.
| |
ChangeDBObjectOwner |
Changes database object owner.
| |
IsGeneratedSystemView |
Returns true if the given view is generated view with dynamic code.
| |
RecreatePKConstraint |
Drops the current PK constraint and creates new from given columns.
| |
RefreshCustomViews |
Refreshes all database views which should contain all columns of the specified system table (cms_user, cms_usersettings, com_sku, newsletter_subscriber, community_group).
You need to call this method after the column of that system table is added or removed.
| |
RefreshDocumentViews |
Regenerates view for documents.
| |
RefreshView |
Refreshes specified view in database.
| |
RenameTable |
Changes name of the table with original name according to the new name.
| |
SelectFieldNode |
Selects single field node with the specified attribute value.
| |
StoredProcedureExists |
Determines whether specified stored procedure exists or not.
| |
TableExists |
Determines whether specified DB table exists or not.
| |
ViewExists |
Determines whether specified DB view exists or not.