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ProviderHelper Methods

The ProviderHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClearTables(Object, Boolean, IProviderDictionary) Obsolete.
Clears the given tables.
Public methodStatic memberClearTables(Object, Boolean, ProviderDictionaryCollection)
Clears the given tables.
Public methodStatic memberLoadHashTables
Returns true if the hashtables for specified object type should be loaded with the data. Reflects the AppSettings key "CMSLoadHashtables" + objectType.Replace(".", ""), e.g. CMSLoadHashtablesCMSUser.
Public methodStatic memberLoadTables(IProviderDictionary)
Returns true if the given dictionaries should be loaded.
Public methodStatic memberLoadTables(ProviderDictionaryCollection)
Returns true if the given dictionary collection should be loaded.
Public methodStatic memberUseHashtable
Returns true if the hashtable for the specified object type should be used. Reflects the AppSettings key "CMSUseHashtable" + objectType.Replace(".", "") + tableName, e.g. CMSUseHashtableCMSUserID.
Public methodStatic memberUseHashtableWeakReferences
Returns true if the hashtable for the specified object type should use weak references. Reflects the AppSettings key "CMSUseHashtableWeakReferences" + objectType.Replace(".", ""), e.g. CMSUseHashtableWeakReferencesCMSUser.
See Also