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ObjectHelper Methods

The ObjectHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddDependingObjectTypes
Adds depending object types to the list.
Public methodStatic memberBuildFullName
Builds the full name from the given names.
Public methodStatic memberExtractObjectsData(DataSet, GeneralizedInfo, WhereCondition, Boolean)
Extracts the object data from given DataSet.
Public methodStatic memberExtractObjectsData(DataSet, GeneralizedInfo, String, Boolean) Obsolete.
Extracts the object data from given DataSet.
Public methodStatic memberGetBinaryData
Gets DataSet with binary data of given files.
Public methodStatic memberGetBinaryDataSet
Gets empty DataSet for binary data.
Public methodStatic memberGetDependencyColumnNames
Get dependingObjectType dependencies: 1. parent ID column, 2. site ID column, 3. list of object dependencies where dependency object type is dependsOnObjectType object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetExcludedNamesWhereCondition
Generate where condition due to excluded names.
Public methodStatic memberGetExistingChildren
Gets the existing children for the given object
Public methodStatic memberGetExportSelectionColumns
Returns the list of columns needed for export selection.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectFriendlyName
Returns translated name of object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectsData(GetObjectsDataSettings)
Gets the DataSet of the objects data and their child objects.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectsData(OperationTypeEnum, BaseInfo, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, TranslationHelper, String)
Gets the DataSet of the objects data and their child objects.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectsData(OperationTypeEnum, GeneralizedInfo, QueryDataParameters, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, TranslationHelper, String, Int32)
Gets the DataSet of the objects data and their child objects.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectsDataSet
Returns empty objects DataSet based on the given object type.
Public methodStatic memberGetOtherBindingParentIdColumn
Gets the parent ID column for the given binding type info for the direction of other binding (indirect parent)
Public methodStatic memberGetParentIdColumn
Gets the parent ID column for the given child type in parent type
Public methodStatic memberGetSerializationTableName
Gets the table name of specified info object used for serialized data.
Public methodStatic memberGetSiteBindingObject
Gets the site binding object for specified info object.
Public methodStatic memberGetTable
Gets the table of specified info object from the given DataSet using the serialization table name.
Public methodStatic memberParseFullName
Parses the full name in format "" so that "something.whatever" is considered the first part, and "abc" second part.
See Also