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ChatSupportService Methods

The ChatSupportService type exposes the following members.

Public methodEnterSupport
Joins current CMS user to classic chat as hidden and also sets him as online on support chat.
Protected methodGetChatResponse(ChatResponseStatusEnum)
Builds general chat response with error set to statusCode and message set to default value associated with statusCode.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Protected methodGetChatResponse(ChatResponseStatusEnum, String)
Builds general chat response with error set to statusCode and message set to statusMessage.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Protected methodGetChatResponseTData(ChatResponseStatusEnum, String, TData)
Builds generic ChatGeneral response with properties set to passed params.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Protected methodGetOkChatResponse
Builds general chat response with OK code.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Protected methodGetOkChatResponseTData(TData)
Builds general chat response with OK code and Data set to data.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Public methodInitiateChatByContactID
Initiates chat with user identified by his ContactID.
Public methodInitiateChatByUserID
Initiates chat with user identified by his UserID.
Public methodLeaveSupport
Leaves support chat.
Public methodSupportLeaveRoom
Leaves room. After this call, new messages in this room will be send to all online supporters.
Public methodSupportPing
Checks for new rooms needing support. Keeps alive (sets LastChecking to now) user on support and classic chat.
Public methodSupportTakeRoom
Takes support room. After this call, new messages in this room won't be send to other users - only to the current one.
Protected methodVerifyChatUserHasAdminRoomRights
Verifies that currently logged in chat user has admin rights for a room. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Protected methodVerifyChatUserHasAllPermissions
Verifies that currently logged in chat user has all of the passed permissions. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Protected methodVerifyChatUserHasAnyPermission
Verifies that currently logged in chat user has at least one of the passed permissions. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Protected methodVerifyChatUserHasPermission
Verifies that currently logged in chat user has specified permission. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Protected methodVerifyChatUserIsLoggedIn
Verifies that chat user is logged in. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Protected methodVerifyChatUserIsOnlineInARoom
Verifies that currently logged in chat user is online in a room. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
Protected methodVerifyIPIsNotBanned
Verifies that IP addres which was used to make this request is not banned. Throws exception in case of failure and does nothing in case of success.
(Inherited from ChatServiceBase.)
See Also