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AbstractImportExportSettings Methods

The AbstractImportExportSettings type exposes the following members.

Public methodCancel
Cancels the process.
Public methodClearProgressLog
Clears progress log.
Public methodDeselect
Selects the given object.
Public methodDeselectTask
Selects the given task.
Public methodFinalizeEventLog
Finalizes event log.
Public methodGetAPIString
Gets resource string in correct culture.
Public methodStatic memberGetFromPersistentStorage
Gets the settings from the persistent storage.
Public methodGetInfo
Gets additional information.
Public methodGetObjectData
Serialization function.
Public methodGetObjectsProcessType
Gets process type of object type.
Public methodGetObjectTypeFilePath
Gets file path within the package for object type.
Public methodGetObjectWhereCondition
Gets the where condition for specified type of object.
Public methodGetProgressState
Gets progress state.
Public methodGetSelectedObjects
Gets selected objects of specified type.
Public methodGetSelectedObjectsArray
Gets selected objects of specified type.
Public methodGetSelectedObjectTypes
Gets object types that have been selected to process.
Public methodGetSelectedTasks
Gets selected tasks of specified type.
Public methodGetSelectedTasksArray
Gets selected tasks of specified type.
Public methodGetSettings
Gets additional settings.
Public methodIsAutomaticallySelected
Indicates if given object type is automatically selected.
Public methodIsEmptyObjectSelection
Check if there is no selected object in general.
Public methodIsEmptyObjectSelection(Boolean)
Check if there is no selected object.
Public methodIsEmptySelection
Check if there is no selected object or task in general.
Public methodIsEmptyTaskSelection
Check if there is no selected tasks in general.
Public methodIsEmptyTaskSelection(Boolean)
Check if there is no selected tasks.
Public methodIsError
Returns true if there is an error during the process.
Public methodIsLowerVersion
Indicates if current version is lower than given one.
Public methodIsObjectTypeProcessed
Check if the object with specified code name is processed.
Public methodIsProcessed
Check if the object with specified code name is processed.
Public methodIsSelected
Check if the object with specified code name is selected.
Public methodIsTaskSelected
Check if the task with specified code name is selected.
Public methodIsWarning
Returns true if there are warnings during the process.
Protected methodLogProgressError
Logs error progress state.
Public methodLogProgressState
Logs progress state.
Public methodSavePersistent
Saves the settings object to the persistent storage.
Public methodSavePersistentLog
Saves the log to the persistent storage.
Public methodSelect
Selects the given object.
Public methodSelectTask
Selects the given task.
Public methodSetInfo
Sets additional information.
Public methodSetObjectsProcessType
Sets objects process type of specified type.
Public methodSetSelectedObjects
Sets selected objects of specified type.
Public methodSetSelectedTasks
Sets selected objects of specified object type.
Public methodSetSettings
Sets additional settings.
See Also