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ITreeNode Methods

The ITreeNode type exposes the following members.

Public methodContainsColumn
Returns true if the object contains specified column.
(Inherited from IDataContainer.)
Public methodGetUsedPageTemplateId
Gets the page template id used by this document
Public methodGetValue
Returns value of column.
(Inherited from ISimpleDataContainer.)
Public methodSetValue
Sets value of column.
(Inherited from ISimpleDataContainer.)
Public methodTryGetValue
Returns value of column.
(Inherited from IDataContainer.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCopyTo
Copies the data of specified columns of the source object to the target object.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCheckRequiredColumns
Returns true if given list of columns do not have null values in the object
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsFile
Returns true if the given document is a file node
(Defined by TreeNodeTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsFolder
Returns true if the given document is a folder node
(Defined by TreeNodeTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsRoot
Returns true if the given document is a root node
(Defined by TreeNodeTypeExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToJSON
Returns JSON representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToXML
Returns XML representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
See Also