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ClassHelper Methods

The ClassHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClassLoaded
Indicates if given class is loaded.
Protected methodClassLoadedInternal
Indicates if given class is loaded.
Public methodStatic memberGetAssembly
Loads the given assembly.
Protected methodGetAssemblyInternal
Loads the given assembly.
Public methodStatic memberGetAssemblyNames
Gets list of assembly names by given restrictions.
Protected methodGetAssemblyNamesInternal
Gets list of assembly names by given restrictions. Returns assemblies that contains at least one class fullfilling restrictions.
Public methodStatic memberGetClass(String, String)
Gets the new object of given class.
Public methodStatic memberGetClassReturnType(String, String)
Gets the new object of given class.
Public methodStatic memberGetClasses
Gets classes for given assembly name and filter settings
Protected methodGetClassesInternal
Gets classes for given assembly name and class restrictions settings.
Protected methodGetClassInternal
Gets the new object of given class.
Public methodStatic memberGetClassType
Gets the new object of given class.
Protected methodGetClassTypeInternal
Gets the type of given class.
Protected methodGetCustomClass
Attempts to get the custom class
Public methodStatic memberGetCustomClassNames
Gets the list of registered custom class names.
Protected methodGetCustomClassNamesInternal
Gets the list of registered custom class names.
Public methodStatic memberGetEmptyObject
Gets the empty object of the given type
Public methodStatic memberIsAllowed
Checks if given type is allowed based on base class name.
Public methodStatic memberIsCustomClass
Indicates if given assembly name represents custom class
Protected methodIsCustomClassInternal
Indicates if given assembly name represents custom class
Public methodStatic memberRegisterAliasForObjectType
Registers the class alias for backward compatibility
Public methodStatic memberRegisterCustomClass(String, String, IObjectFactory)
Registers the custom class under the given assembly name and class name. Overrides the default one
Public methodStatic memberRegisterCustomClassClassType(String)
Registers the custom App_Code class under the class name. Overrides the default one
Public methodStatic memberRegisterCustomClassClassType(String, String)
Registers the custom class under the given assembly name and class name. Overrides the default one
Public methodSetAsDefaultHelper
Sets this object as the default helper
(Inherited from AbstractHelperHelperType.)
See Also