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CMSWorkerQueue Methods

The CMSWorkerQueue type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddWorker
Adds the given worker to the queue.
Protected methodCheckWait
Returns true if the queue processing should wait
Public methodStatic memberQueueWorker(AbstractWorker)
Adds the given worker to the queue for current request. The workers get executed upon the end of current request or thread or explicit call to RunQueuedWorkers.
Public methodStatic memberQueueWorker(Action, String)
Adds given action to the CMSWorkerQueue as an ActionWorker.
Public methodRunAll
Runs all the workers.
Public methodStatic memberRunCurrentQueuedWorkers
Runs the workers queued in current request.
Protected methodRunThreadsWaiting
Runs the threads waiting for the execution of the next allowed threads
Protected methodRunWorkers
Runs the threads in current instance
Protected methodworker_OnStop
Handles worker's OnStop event.
See Also