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WebAnalyticsEvents Fields

The WebAnalyticsEvents type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberCampaignLaunched
Fires when campaign is being launched.
Public fieldStatic memberCampaignLaunchLog
Fires when campaign launch collects messages of all actions.
Public fieldStatic memberCampaignUTMChanged
Fires when there is a change in campaigns UTM parameter.
Public fieldStatic memberGenerateStatistics
Fires when web analytics statistics are being generated.
Public fieldStatic memberInsertAnalyticsJS
Fires when web analytics JavaScript snippet is being inserted to the page.
Public fieldStatic memberLogConversion
Fires when conversion is logged.
Public fieldStatic memberProcessAnalyticsService
Fires when analytics are being logged in WebAnalyticsService.
Public fieldStatic memberProcessLogRecord
Fires when analytics log is being processed.
See Also