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FacebookPostInfoProvider Fields

The FacebookPostInfoProvider type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberERROR_CODE_DOCUMENT_NOT_EXIST
Error code represents the post belongs to the document that doesn't exist.
Public fieldStatic memberERROR_CODE_INVALID_ACCOUNT
Error code represents unexpected error with Facebook account (account doesn't exist or its access token isn't valid).
Public fieldStatic memberERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR
Error code represents unknown error when publishing the post.
Protected fieldhashtableLock
Table lock for loading hashtables
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Protected fieldinfos
Info tables.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Public fieldStatic memberPOST_DELAY_TOLERANCE
Scheduled posts which are late on publishing for more than POST_DELAY_TOLERANCE are reported as faulty.
See Also