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ShoppingCart Fields

The ShoppingCart type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_CHECKOUT_PROCESS
Default checkout process XML definition.
Default required field marker. Contains html code with styled asterisk.
Protected fieldmAccessDeniedPage
Access denied page
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmAddToShoppingCartConversionValue
Conversion track value used after added to shopping cart.
Protected fieldmAddToShoppingCartTrackConversionName
Conversion track name used after added to shopping cart.
Protected fieldmAssignToRoles
Roles the new user should be assign to after his registration.
Protected fieldmAssignToSites
Sites the new user should be assign to after his registration.
Protected fieldmCMSDeskAccessDeniedPage
CMSDesk access denied page
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmControlContext
Control context
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmControlGUID
Control GUID
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmCurrentStepControl
Shopping cart current step control.
Protected fieldmDisplayMode
Display mode
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmEnablePasswordRetrieval
Indicates whether password retrieval is enabled.
Protected fieldmEnableProductPriceDetail
Indicates whether product price detail link is displayd.
Protected fieldmErrorMessage
Error message.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Protected fieldmCheckoutProcess
Checkout process.
Protected fieldmCheckoutProcessSteps
Checkout process steps.
Protected fieldmCheckoutProcessType
Type of the checkout process.
Protected fieldmImageFolderPath
Relative path to the folder with shopping cart step images.
Protected fieldmImageStepSeparator
HTML code of the image step separator.
Protected fieldmInfoMessage
Information message.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Protected fieldmIsControlLoaded
Indicates if current step control is loaded.
Protected fieldmIsCurrentStepPostBack
Indicates whether current step control is loaded after postback.
Protected fieldmLocalShoppingCart
Local shopping cart object.
Protected fieldmNextStepIndex
Next step index.
Protected fieldmOrderConversionValue
Conversion track value used after new order is saved.
Protected fieldmOrderTrackConversionName
Conversion track name used after new order is saved.
Protected fieldmPaymentGatewayProvider
Payment gateway provider.
Protected fieldmPreviousStepIndex
Previsou step index.
Protected fieldmRedirectAfterPurchase
Redirect after purchase.
Protected fieldmRedirectToAccessDeniedPage
Redirect to access denied if the access is not allowed.
(Inherited from CMSAdminControl.)
Protected fieldmRegistrationConversionValue
Conversion track value used after successful registration.
Protected fieldmRegistrationTrackConversionName
Conversion track name used after successful registration.
Protected fieldmRelativePath
Relative path
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmRequiredFieldsMark
HTML code which is attached as postfix to the shopping cart step form required fields.
Protected fieldmSendNewRegNotificationToAddress
Email address the new registration notification should be sent to.
Protected fieldmShoppingCartContainer
Shopping cart container.
Protected fieldmShoppingCartObj
Shopping cart object.
Protected fieldmUseCMSDeskAccessDeniedPage
Indicates whether CMSDesk access denied page should be used
(Inherited from CMSUserControl.)
Protected fieldmViewStateTracked
If true, the ViewState has been already tracked.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
See Also