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AttachmentInfo Fields

The AttachmentInfo type exposes the following members.

Protected fieldmAttachmentCustomData
Attachment custom data.
Protected fieldmAttachmentSearchContent
Extracted content from attachment binary used for search indexing.
Protected fieldmAttachmentUrl
Attachment URL - for internal purposes.
Protected fieldmAttachmentVersionHistoryID
Attachment version history ID.
Protected fieldmDataClass
Data class with the SiteInfo data.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoBaseTInfo.)
Protected fieldmInputStream
Input stream - for file upload.
Protected fieldmStatus
Status of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmStreamProcessed
True if the input stream has already been processed.
Protected fieldmTreeProvider
Tree provider object to use for the database access.
Public fieldStatic memberOBJECT_TYPE
Object type
Public fieldStatic memberOBJECT_TYPE_TEMPORARY
Object type for temporary attachments
Public fieldStatic memberTYPEINFO
Type information.
Public fieldStatic memberTYPEINFOTEMPORARY
Type information.
See Also