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IProjectInfo Properties

The IProjectInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowCreate
Indicates whether a new task can be created.
Public propertyAllowDelete
Indicates whether the user can delete a task.
Public propertyAllowModify
Indicates whether the user can modify a task.
Public propertyAllowRead
Indicates whether the access to project and its tasks is allowed.
Public propertyColumnNames
Column names.
(Inherited from IDataContainer.)
Public propertyGeneralized
Generalized interface of this object.
(Inherited from IInfo.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from ISimpleDataContainer.)
Public propertyObjectSettings
Object settings
(Inherited from IInfo.)
Public propertyObjectType
Type of the selected objects.
(Inherited from IObjectTypeDriven.)
Public propertyProjectAccess
Project access bit array.
Public propertyProjectAllowOrdering
Allow manual ordering of the project tasks.
Public propertyProjectCreatedByID
Project creator.
Public propertyProjectDeadline
Project deadline.
Public propertyProjectDescription
Project description.
Public propertyProjectDisplayName
Project display name.
Public propertyProjectGroupID
Group ID.
Public propertyProjectGUID
Unique project identifier.
Public propertyProjectID
Project ID.
Public propertyProjectLastModified
Last modification of the project.
Public propertyProjectName
Project code name.
Public propertyProjectNodeID
Node ID.
Public propertyProjectOwner
Project owner.
Public propertyProjectSiteID
Site ID of the project.
Public propertyProjectStartDate
Project start date.
Public propertyProjectStatusID
Project status.
Public propertyProperties
Properties of the object available through GetProperty.
(Inherited from IHierarchicalObject.)
Public propertyRelatedData
Custom data connected to the object.
(Inherited from IRelatedData.)
Public propertyTypeInfo
Object type info
(Inherited from IInfo.)
See Also