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DocumentQueryProperties Properties

The DocumentQueryProperties type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllCultures
Indicates if all culture versions of the documents should be returned in the result.
Protected propertyCategory
Instance of category if specified.
Public propertyCategoryIsGlobal
Indicates if only documents assigned to enabled categories (default is true) should be included in the results.
Public propertyCategoryName
Defines name of the category to filter the result. Documents assigned to any category within the category path are included in the results.
Public propertyCategoryOnlyEnabled
Indicates if only documents assigned to enabled categories (default is true) should be included in the results.
Public propertyCombineWithAnyCulture
Indicates if the documents should be combined with any language version if the specific one doesn't exist.
Public propertyCombineWithDefaultCulture
Indicates if the documents should be combined with the default language version if the specific one doesn't exist.
Protected propertyCultureList
List of cultures to use in query
Public propertyCultures
List of document cultures which should be included in the result.
Public propertyDefaultCultureCode
Provides default culture code for the current query
Public propertyEnsureExtraColumns
If true, automatic extra columns are ensured for the query (NodeXML for version data, security check required columns etc.).
Public propertyExcludedPaths
List of document paths which should be excluded from the result.
Public propertyFilterDuplicates
Indicates if duplicate document are filtered from the result. This means that linked documents are not retrieved, if there is the original document already included in the results.
Public propertyCheckPermissions
Indicates if the documents should be filtered based on current user permissions.
Public propertyIsLastVersion
If true, the last version of the documents is retrieved.
Public propertyIsMultiQuery
Indicates if properties are used for a multi-query.
Public propertyNestingLevel
Limits documents to a specified nesting level. (Applies only when one node alias path for multiple documents is provided.)
Public propertyPaths
List of document paths which should be included in the result.
Public propertyPreferredCultureCode
Preferred culture code to use when none set.
Public propertyRelationshipName
Defines name of the relationship. If not provided documents from all relationships will be retrieved.
Public propertyRelationshipNodeGUID
Defines node GUID of the related document. Only document in relation with this document will be included in the results.
Public propertyRelationshipSide
Defines side of the related document within the relation. Both sides are used by default.
Public propertySelectOnlyPublished
If true, only published documents are retrieved.
Public propertySiteIDs
List of site IDs on which should be the documents searched.
Public propertySiteName
Provides site name for the current query (If there is only single site specified.)
Public propertyTreeProvider
Instance of tree provider to use to parameterize documents retrieving.
See Also