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CMSOutputAttachment Properties

The CMSOutputAttachment type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAliasPath
Document alias path.
Public propertyAttachment
AttachmentInfo without AttachmentBinary.
Public propertyColumnNames
Column names.
Public propertyCultureCode
Document culture.
Public propertyDataLoaded
Returns true if the data is loaded to the object.
(Inherited from AbstractOutputFile.)
Public propertyFileNode
File document node.
Public propertyHeight
Requested output Height.
(Inherited from AbstractOutputFile.)
Public propertyIsPublished
Returns true if the file is published.
Public propertyIsSecured
File is secured (located within the secured area document).
Public propertyIsValid
Returns true if the file is valid.
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
Public propertyLastModified
Time when the file was last modified.
Public propertyMaxSideSize
Requested output MaxSideSize.
(Inherited from AbstractOutputFile.)
Public propertyMimeType
Mime type.
Public propertyOutputData
Output file data.
(Inherited from AbstractOutputFile.)
Public propertyPhysicalFile
Physical file path to the data.
Public propertyRedirectTo
If set, file should be redirected to the file system.
Public propertyResized
If true, the file is resized version of the file.
(Inherited from AbstractOutputFile.)
Public propertySiteName
Document site name.
Public propertyUseWatermark
If true, the watermark is allowed to be used.
(Overrides AbstractOutputFileUseWatermark.)
Public propertyValidFrom
Time from which the file is valid.
Public propertyValidTo
Time to which the file is valid.
Public propertyWatermark
If set, watermark image is applied to the image. Name of the watermark image from ~/App_Themes/{theme}/Images/Watermarks
(Inherited from AbstractOutputFile.)
Public propertyWatermarkPosition
Watermark position.
(Inherited from AbstractOutputFile.)
Public propertyWidth
Requested output width.
(Inherited from AbstractOutputFile.)
See Also