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CMSDocumentsDataSource Properties

The CMSDocumentsDataSource type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyBaseProperties
Data properties
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyCacheDependencies
Cache dependencies, each cache dependency on a new line.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyCacheItemName
Name of the cache item the control will use.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyCacheMinutes
Number of minutes the retrieved content is cached for. Zero indicates that the content will not be cached.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyCategoryName
Category code name for filtering documents.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyClassNames
Class name value or several values separated by semicolon.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyCombineWithDefaultCulture
Indicates if the documents from the default culture version should be alternatively used.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyComponentName
Component name
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyControlContext
Control context.
(Inherited from CMSBaseDataSource.)
Protected propertyControlProperties
Data properties
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyCultureCode
Culture code, such as en-us.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyCurrentDocument
Current document
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentPageInfo
Current page info
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentSite
Current site
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Current user
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyDataSource
Gets or sets source with data.
(Inherited from CMSBaseDataSource.)
Public propertyDisableFilterCaching
Enables or disables filter caching.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyDocumentManager
Document manager control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyEditedObject
Control's edited object
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyEnableSelectedItem Obsolete.
Gets or sets the value that indicates if current document is in class names only this document is displayed.
Public propertyFilterControl
Data filter control.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyFilterControlPath
Gets or sets the path of the filter control.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyFilteredControl
Filtered control.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyFilterChanged
Property to set and get the Filter changed.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyFilterIsSet
Property to get if the filter is set.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyFilterMode
Allow to set filter mode (useful if same filter is used to filter different items)
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyFilterName
Property to set and get the Filter name.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyFilterOutDuplicates
Indicates if the duplicated (linked) items should be filtered out from the data.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyHeaderActions
Header actions control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCheckPermissions
Allows you to specify whether to check permissions of the current user. If the value is 'false' (default value) no permissions are checked. Otherwise, only nodes for which the user has read permission are displayed.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyIsSelected
Gets the value that indicates whether current data source contains selected item.
(Overrides CMSBaseDataSourceIsSelected.)
Public propertyLoadCurrentPageOnly
Gets or sets the value that indicates that if a page is selected, the datasource will provide data for the selected page only.
Public propertyLoadPagesIndividually
If true, each page is loaded individually in case of paging.
(Inherited from CMSBaseDataSource.)
Protected propertyMaxRecords
Maximum number of records to get from the database.
(Inherited from CMSBaseDataSource.)
Public propertyMaxRelativeLevel
Relative level of child documents that should be selected. -1 selects all child documents.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyMessagesPlaceHolder
Placeholder for messages
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected propertyOffset
Offset where the data retrieved from database should start.
(Inherited from CMSBaseDataSource.)
Public propertyOrderBy
Property to set and get the OrderBy.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyPagerDataItem
Pager data item object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseDataSource.)
Public propertyPagerForceNumberOfResults
Gets or sets the number of result. Enables proceed "fake" datasets, where number of results in the dataset is not correspondent to the real number of results This property must be equal -1 if should be disabled
(Inherited from CMSBaseDataSource.)
Public propertyPageSize
Number of items per page.
Public propertyParameters
Hashtable with additional parameters.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyParentControl
Parent control.
Public propertyPath
Path of the documents to be displayed. /% selects all documents.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyRelatedData
Related data.
(Inherited from CMSBaseDataSource.)
Public propertyRelatedNodeIsOnTheLeftSide
If true, the returned nodes are on the right side of the relationship.
Public propertyRelationshipName
Name of the relationship.
Public propertyRelationshipWithNodeGuid
Select nodes with given relationship with given node.
Public propertySelectedColumns
Columns which should be selected.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertySelectedItemTransformationName
Transformation name for selected item in format application.class.transformation.
Public propertySelectedValue
This value is used to initialize filter control according to currently selected value.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertySelectOnlyPublished
Indicates if only published documents should be displayed.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertySelectTopN
Top N rows to select.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertySiteID
Property to set and get the filter SiteID.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertySiteName
Property to set and get the SiteName.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertySourceFilterControl
Gets the source filter control.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertySourceFilterName
Gets or sets the source filter name.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyStopProcessing
Stop processing.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyToggleAdvancedModeButton
Gets button used to toggle filter's advanced mode.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyTopN
Property to set and get the Top N property.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyTotalRecords
Total number of records.
(Inherited from CMSBaseDataSource.)
Public propertyTreeProvider
Tree provider instance used to access data. If no TreeProvider is assigned, a new TreeProvider instance is created.
(Inherited from CMSControlDataSource.)
Public propertyUIContext
Control's UI Context
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyUniPagerControl
Pager control.
(Inherited from CMSBaseDataSource.)
Public propertyUsesLocalMessagesPlaceHolder
Indicates if control uses local messages placeholder
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyValue
Filter value.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
Public propertyWhereCondition
Property to set and get the WhereCondition.
(Inherited from CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl.)
See Also