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EmailInfoProvider Methods

The EmailInfoProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddSiteWhereCondition(String, Int32, String, Boolean)
Creates site where condition from the specified parameters and adds it to the original where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodAddSiteWhereCondition(String, Int32, String, Boolean, String)
Creates site where condition from the specified parameters and adds it to the original where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberBindEmailAttachment
Add attachment to specified e-mail and return its info object.
Protected methodBoundGetInfoByGuid(Guid)
Gets the info object by its GUID
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodBoundGetInfoByGuid(Guid, Int32)
Gets the info object by its GUID and site ID
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodBoundGetInfoById
Gets the info by ID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodBoundGetInfoByName(String)
Gets the info object by its code name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodBoundGetInfoByName(String, Int32)
Gets the info object by its code name and site Id
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodBoundGetInfosByIds
Gets the list of info objects by their IDs
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodClearHashtables
Clear hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodCreateHashtables
Creates the provider hashtables
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodCreateInfo(Int32)
Creates an instance of info object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodCreateInfo(DataRow, Boolean)
Creates a new info object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodCreateWebFarmTask(String, String)
Creates web farm task specific for current object and action name
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.)
Public methodCreateWebFarmTask(String, String, Byte)
Creates web farm task specific for current object and action name
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberDeleteAll
Deletes all EmailInfo objects with specific parameters.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteAllFailed
Deletes all EmailInfo objects which sending has failed.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteArchived
Deletes expired archived e-mails.
Protected methodDeleteData(String)
Deletes the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodDeleteData(IWhereCondition)
Deletes the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodDeleteData(ActionObjectQueryTInfo)
Deletes the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberDeleteEmailInfo(Int32)
Deletes specified email.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteEmailInfo(EmailInfo)
Deletes specified email.
Protected methodDeleteEmailInfoInternal
Deletes specified email.
Protected methodDeleteInfo
Deletes the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodDeleteObjectFromHashtables
Deletes the object instance from the hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberFetchEmails
Fetches e-mails which should be sent and marks them as being sent.
Public methodStatic memberFetchMassEmail
Fetches mass e-mail which should be sent and marks it as being sent.
Public methodGetBindingWhereCondition(String, Int32)
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific binding dependency. Use this method only for 2-keys bindings.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodGetBindingWhereCondition(String, Object)
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific binding dependencies. Use this method for 3 and more-keys bindings.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetCacheDependency(DataSet, String, String)
Gets the cache dependency for the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetCacheDependency(BaseInfo, String, String)
Gets the cache dependency for the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetCountInternal
Gets the number of items matching the given parameters. Does not check the license when retrieving data.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetData(QueryDataParameters, String, String, Int32, String, Boolean, Int32)
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetData(QueryDataParameters, String, String, Int32, String, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetDataByColumnT
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetDataByGuidColumn
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetDataByIntColumn
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetDataByStringColumn
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetDeleteQuery
Gets the object query that deletes all items matching the query parameters
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetDependencyCacheKeys(DataSet, String, String)
Gets the cache dependency keys for the given DataSet.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetDependencyCacheKeys(GeneralizedInfo, String, String)
Gets the cache dependency keys for the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberGetEmailCount
Gets number of e-mails due to where condition.
Public methodStatic memberGetEmailCountForSites
Gets dataset with two columns 'EmailSiteID' and 'EmailCount'. Dataset contains emails grouped by sites ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetEmailInfo
Returns the EmailInfo structure for the specified email ID.
Protected methodGetEmailInfoInternal
Returns the EmailInfo structure for the specified email ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetEmailInfos(String, String)
Returns all EmailInfo objects specified by where condition.
Public methodStatic memberGetEmailInfos(String, String, Int32, String)
Returns all EmailInfo objects specified by where condition.
Protected methodGetEmailsInternal
Returns all EmailInfo objects specified by where condition.
Protected methodGetEmptyDataSet
Gets the empty data set to be filled by the data
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetExistingIDsInternal
Filters out all object IDs that do not exist in the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberGetExpiredEmailCount
Gets the number of archived emails that are older that expiration date for each site.
Protected methodGetFullNameDictionary
Creates new dictionary for caching the objects by full name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetFullNameWhereCondition
Gets the where condition that searches the object based on the given full name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfo(IWhereCondition)
Gets an instance of the first info object matching the specified condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfo(ActionObjectQueryTInfo)
Gets an instance of the first info object matching the specified condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfo(String, String)
Gets an instance of the first info object matching the specified condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Int32)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeNameFromDB
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name from database
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByFullName(String)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given full name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByFullName(String, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given full name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByFullNameInternal
Gets the info by its full name from the database
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuid(Guid)
Gets an instance of info object based on the GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuid(Guid, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuid(Guid, Int32)
Gets an instance of info object based on the GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuid(Guid, Int32, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuidColumn
Gets an instance of info object based on the string column value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuidFromDB
Gets an instance of info object based on the given GUID from database
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoById(Int32)
Gets an instance of info object based on ID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoById(Int32, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on ID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByIntColumn
Gets an instance of info object based on the integer column value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfoByStringColumn
Gets an instance of info object based on the string column value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetInfosByIds
Gets the list of info objects by their IDs
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberGetLastSetRelatedID Obsolete.
Gets last related ID from e-mail set defined by set name.
Public methodStatic memberGetMailMessage
Creates new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage from EmailInfo.
Protected methodGetObjectQuery
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetObjectQueryInternal
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodGetParentWhereCondition
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific parent.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberGetPreviousNext
Returns the previous and next e-mails of the given e-mail in the order specified by ORDER BY parameter matching the WHERE criteria.
Protected methodGetSingleObject
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodGetSiteWhereCondition(Int32)
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific site.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodGetSiteWhereCondition(Int32, Boolean)
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific site.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodGetTypeInfo
Gets the type info for this provider
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberChangeEmailSetStatus
Changes status of all e-mails in the specified set.
Public methodCheckUniqueCodeName
Checks if the object has unique code name. Returns true if the object has unique code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodCheckUniqueValues
Checks if a record with the same column values already exists in the database. Returns true if the set of values is unique.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodInit
Initializes the provider variables.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Protected methodInitHashtables
Initializes the hashtable settings
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodInvalidate
Sets this provider as invalid
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.)
Protected methodLoadAllInfos
Loads all infos to the hashtable
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodLoadGeneration
Loads the specified generation of the objects.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodLoadInfos
Loads all objects from the database to memory.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodLoadObjectsToHashtables
Loads the objects from a DataSet to the hashtables
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodNewTransaction
Creates a new transaction over this provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodProcessWebFarmTask
Runs the processing of specific web farm task for current provider
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Protected methodRecalculateData
Recalculates the value in the given column using the coefficient.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodRefreshObjectsCounts
Updates all counts for all sub-objects.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Protected methodRegister
Registers current provider in providers collection
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.)
Protected methodRegisterObjectInHashtables
Registers the object instance within the hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodRemoveOriginalCodeNameFromHashtable
Removes the original object code name from the hashtable
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodReplaceData
Replaces the data in the given columns.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberResetSendingStatus
Resets e-mail's status to 'waiting' anywhere the status is 'sending'. Runs the action within a new thread.
Public methodResetToDefault
Resets the provider to default implementation
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTProvider.)
Public methodSetAsDefaultProvider
Sets this provider instance as the default provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberSetEmailInfo(EmailInfo)
Sets (updates or inserts) specified email.
Public methodStatic memberSetEmailInfo(EmailMessage, Int32)
Creates new EmailInfo from EmailMessage.
Public methodStatic memberSetEmailInfo(EmailMessage, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)
Creates new EmailInfo from EmailMessage.
Public methodStatic memberSetEmailInfo(EmailMessage, Int32, Boolean, String, Int32)
Creates new EmailInfo from EmailMessage.
Protected methodSetEmailInfoInternal
Sets (updates or inserts) specified email.
Protected methodSetInfo
Inserts or Updates the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodSortAlphabetically
Sorts the object alphabetically.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodTouchCacheDependencies
Touches the cache dependencies of the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodUpdateData
Updates the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Protected methodUpdateObjectInHashtables
Updates the object instance in the hashtables. Updates is different than register, because it logs task about changing object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodUseSource(TInfo)
Sets the provider to use given data as data source
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodUseSource(DataQuerySource)
Sets the provider to use given data as data source
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Public methodValidateCodeName
Validates the object code name. Returns true if the code name is valid.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsValue
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAPIString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBoolean
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDateTime
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDouble
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToGuid
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToInteger
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToString
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
See Also